

New Member
May 24, 2008
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Hello all,
I am Ashley and am a student a third year student at the University of Rochester. I am a psychology and ASL major and hope to become fluent enough in ASL to take the interpreting test and work one on one with the Deaf culture once I have my degrees for working in psychology. I love the Deaf culture and have learned so much about it since I have been at the U of R and hope to learn much more from the people here!
Hi and :welcome: to AD! Good luck with your studies and best of luck in your future career. Enjoy your way around this forum. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Just have fun with us (Crazy Deafies and HOH, lol). See you around. :wave:
:welcome: to AllDeaf. Good luck with your studies. :)
:welcome: to AD and I wish you good luck with your majoring. I also am wanting to major in ASL and become an Interpreter but I have a looooooooo:jaw:oong way to go.