

New Member
Oct 14, 2007
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Hi I'm Victor Solorzano and I'm deaf, I think most of you know my mom i think her id was jackiesolorzano. She is a great mom
Hi Victor,

You're jackie's boy? Wow! Welcome aboard, dude! Tell your mom I (pek1 -- Pete and Snickers) said hello! Why are you up so late, young man? Tee hee!
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Nice to see you're following your own mother's footsteps to here--and hope you'll enjoy your stay here as well. ;)

Hi I'm Victor Solorzano and I'm deaf, I think most of you know my mom i think her id was jackiesolorzano. She is a great mom

yes,I remember your mom. :welcome: to the forum and enjoy your stay here with us
:welcome: to AD! Hope u enjoy it here. :)
Hi Victor,

You're jackie's boy? Wow! Welcome aboard, dude! Tell your mom I (pek1 -- Pete and Snickers) said hello! Why are you up so late, young man? Tee hee!

well i was up late cuz my mom and my sis went to stanford for a girl CC meet and i was waiting for her to get home but i fell alseep
btw before my desktop computer was "broken" my mom alway was here and everytime i came into the "computer room" she was on this forum
firefox ftw!