

New Member
May 25, 2013
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Hi everyone,:wave:

I'm Ty. I'm a student at CCC in oregon studying Speech Language. Once finished, I will be working on a double major, one in Linguistics and the other in deaf studies from Gallaudet University in D.C. I have a huge interested in the deaf community that started when I was seven. A couple my mother used to care for (as a CNA) were both deaf. They taught me sign language. Since then, I've always wanted to work with deaf and hard of hearing. Unfortunately, life intervened and now I'm getting back into what I've always wanted to do.

Hope to talk to everyone soon and nice to meet all you.

Hi Ty,
I live outside of Oregon City. We have an ASL meetup at the singer hill cafe most Saturdays at 11am. Right now it's just 3 of us but we welcome more friends! All 3 of us sign at about the same level, 2nd year - you might have to be patient for awhile :) If you want to join us, message me to make sure that we are there that week.