Hello! Very new to ASL


New Member
Dec 17, 2011
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Hello everyone!

I am very new to ASL. A few years ago I began to casually study on my own, but due to some life changes I never got to pursue it. However I've always been interested in signing as I've always had a desire to communicate without speaking (I guess it sounds weird but sometimes I am uncomfortable talking).

A couple months I found some awesome videos on YouTube of users signing songs, and I thought it was the greatest thing ever. I am very big into a particular band and I want to learn to sign their songs, both to help myself learn signing and to share my love of this band's image.

Partly I joined here in hopes to have some friends who could help me learn ASL, as watching videos doesn't always work for me... what I find is always too quickly done and I also wish for clarification on proper "translating" into ASL.

Anyway, pleased to meet everyone! (^-^)/