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Nov 2, 2015
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Hi :wave:my name is Cheyne and I am a high school student in PA. I am a hearing person who focuses on equality for deaf/HOH people in PA in school, social events, and politics.

I am doing my senior project on the bad misconceptions of the deaf/HOH community that hearing people think are true.

Can anybody tell me what bad misconceptions you have come across? I would like to make note of them for my project!
Hi! Welcome. :) not a lot of fairly young hearing people are interested in the deaf/HOH.

Unfortunately, I've come across several misconceptions:

1. HOH equals hearing. Whenever I tell people that I am HOH, they ignore me and continue treating me like a hearing person such as talking to me with their back turned on me and giving me orders from across the room. Then when I don't answer they get frustrated because they think I'm a jerk and ignoring them on purpose.

2. Deaf people can't do anything. That's not true at all. We can do anything but hear. We can pursue any career we want. The only job we can't do is a telemarketer or talking on the phone in an office.

3. That all deaf people sign. That's not true. Some of us are oral. A lot of us are signers, yes, but I do wish that they'd stop assuming we sign only.

4. That deaf people can't drive. You don't need to hear in order to drive. Just seeing. Besides hearing people listen to music at top volume and talk on the phone and that most likely blocks their hearing.

Some of them aren't bad exactly. It's just that some hearing people are so ignorant which really bugs me.

Anyway, I hope that I helped you a bit. Good luck on your project. By the way, if you know any deaf or HOH people in/near your area, contact them and interview them as well. Don't just rely online. Not that it's bad. It's fine, but it's also good for researching in person.