Hello my name's Anthony!


New Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Hello everybody! This is my first time being on a deaf site I think. Haha. I am 22 year old and am profoundly deaf here looking for a place and a job to live in or close to LA. I lived in WA for almost 2 years (what a hip, hip place!) and now I moved back home in the desert not some time ago for more job opportunities. I have been looking for a job around here for a while but no luck here in such a small town (Palm Springs/Palm Desert/Indio etc). I also work as a freelance part-time model too and recently got fired from the runway fashion show for being hearing impaired. Imagine that huh. It was a terrible mess. Anyway, so a close associate from work told me about this site and thought I gotta check it out and maybe ask for more info on LA. I was wondering if anyone here can tell me about their living experience in LA and help me out knowing where good, safe neighborhoods are in LA areas- where I should go for help, like where I can find a deaf group or some special service that might help me to find a job there etc? My main goal is to find a job somewhere in LA and maybe hopefully connect with the deaf community for more information there, and I get to live there as well. At least I went and tried this online stuff, but what I do know is that I sure hope to hear from you soon! :) Please let me know what I can do and cannot do about finding some help and going to live in LA.

Thank you and have an amazing day! :wave:
:welcome: to AllDeaf. I'm in North Carolina so I can't help on the whole LA thing, but I'm always interested in making new friends from other locations. Also, I too have considered moving to the LA area. I'm hearing with Meniere's Disease. I want to go back to school to be an ASL Interpreter. TTYL :)
I am bored today and I like to VP chat today. 321 222 9268

I'm taking a guess that VP=video phone, well I don't have one. but if I did I would def be up for a chat. I've gotta get going at 7:15(EST) b/c my daughter starts school today and since the have a 2 hour delay she has to be there at 10:30 other wise we would be getting ready now and leaving by 7:30 to have her there by 8:30. I'm giving myself an hour to get there b/c we live about 30-40 miles from the school. If I ever do get a Video Phone I would definitely like to talk. *Are you Deaf, HoH, or Hearing? :wave: :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I used to live in LA for a year or 2 only I don't remember very well. It was a long time ago. LA should have a large Deaf community there.

I usually went to Riverside, California where I lived for about 3 years and met lots of Deaf people, both in interpreted Church and Social Events. Riverside have a Deaf school there. We all had problems and being in the Deaf community, we help each other. Communicating in ASL is really great. Just ask around and look into the Deaf interpreted church service in the phone book whether it is in the yellow pages or white pages. It had been a long time. I have not contacted them so I am out of touch with them. Good luck in LA.

I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave: