Hello from West Virginia


New Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Hello all my name is Sara. I live in Martinsburg WV and have just moved here so I know no one. I was raised in Pasadena maryland. I have a bilateral sevear sesrinerol hearing loss I wear hearing aides and have since I was four I am new to ASL and learning due to my children. Honestly growing up I thought I was the only deaf child always thought it was an Old people thing lol... Now i know different. :giggle:
I hear nothing and can't benefit from hearing aids or CI's.
at least there is ASL to communicate... tell me what is it like to know you will never be able to hear a thing??? I know without my aides I am frustrated but i also have had them since I was 4
A&EMomma, believe me I know. I rememeber when I was a little kid I thought I was the only dhh kid in the universe. But it's AWESOME that you're giving your kids the Deaf Ed and ASL advantage. We actually do have/had some dhh parents who grew up mainstreamed and oral, who are sending their kids to Deaf Schools and giving them ASL early on!
Hello all my name is Sara. I live in Martinsburg WV and have just moved here so I know no one. I was raised in Pasadena maryland. I have a bilateral sevear sesrinerol hearing loss I wear hearing aides and have since I was four I am new to ASL and learning due to my children. Honestly growing up I thought I was the only deaf child always thought it was an Old people thing lol... Now i know different. :giggle:

hey, I have a bilateral sensorinueral severe loss like you right now too!
Hello! :D

Awesome to see someone from West Virginia! I was born and raised there and am actually going on vacation up there in one week! It's a beautiful state. :D Welcome to the forums! I am new too. :P
wow Kristina!
I was like your son before it moved to severe when I noticed the audio report I got in the mail
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave: