Hello from Snowman


New Member
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Hi! I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm hearing, but am interested in the Deaf. I interpreted for a college student for a couple of years. I work for the sports department at a small university in Kentucky, and I travel a lot with the teams! We usually travel to Missouri, Tennessee, Indiana, Alabama and sometimes Ohio and other places. I stay busy, so I may not be in here very often, but I wanted to say Hi and I hope to meet some of you sometime in my travels!
:wave: :welcome: Snowman to AllDeaf. I hope you will get to enjoy yourself on this forum, and meet many wonderful people on this site. It's nice to have you. Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!! :lol:
Hello Snowman :wave:

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;)

Btw, what happens if it's summer?....would you still be here?....