Hello from Atlanta GA!


New Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Hey guys,

Well I can start with I am hard of hearing, but I guarantee you if you met me face to face without my hearing aids being visible you wouldn't notice I am deaf. :giggle:

This morning I had the idea of looking for some tubing, to see if I could get a hold of it and replace if myself. My audiologist is too freaking expensive for something simple and gas prices now these days let's not even go there. :cool2:

I am from NY currently live in GA, I am just now starting to get used to it took me 9 years. I still hate it just a bit lol.

My name is Carlos I am 20 yrs old, going for 21 in Dec 31 looking forward to it!! I might spend in NYC :dance2:

Well I am a fan of forums due to other hobbies I have and I am looking forward to learn a lot more from the deaf world and meet new people with the same problem I have. :wave:
Hey guys,

Well I can start with I am hard of hearing, but I guarantee you if you met me face to face without my hearing aids being visible you wouldn't notice I am deaf. :giggle:

This morning I had the idea of looking for some tubing, to see if I could get a hold of it and replace if myself. My audiologist is too freaking expensive for something simple and gas prices now these days let's not even go there. :cool2:

I am from NY currently live in GA, I am just now starting to get used to it took me 9 years. I still hate it just a bit lol.

My name is Carlos I am 20 yrs old, going for 21 in Dec 31 looking forward to it!! I might spend in NYC :dance2:

Well I am a fan of forums due to other hobbies I have and I am looking forward to learn a lot more from the deaf world and meet new people with the same problem I have. :wave:

Hi Carlos! :wave:

so, what problem do you have? :hmm:
Hey guys,

Well I can start with I am hard of hearing, but I guarantee you if you met me face to face without my hearing aids being visible you wouldn't notice I am deaf. :giggle:

This morning I had the idea of looking for some tubing, to see if I could get a hold of it and replace if myself. My audiologist is too freaking expensive for something simple and gas prices now these days let's not even go there. :cool2:

I am from NY currently live in GA, I am just now starting to get used to it took me 9 years. I still hate it just a bit lol.

My name is Carlos I am 20 yrs old, going for 21 in Dec 31 looking forward to it!! I might spend in NYC :dance2:

Well I am a fan of forums due to other hobbies I have and I am looking forward to learn a lot more from the deaf world and meet new people with the same problem I have. :wave:

Hi Carlos! :wave:

so, what problem do you have? :hmm:

thats what I was wondering...

also... is it a bad thing if people know you are HoH (the sentence in blue)? are you HoH or deaf? We all have problems on this site, none of us are "perfect" but most of us don't see being d/Deaf a problem... I for one am very happy I am Deaf... I wouldn't change it for the world...
Hi Carlos! :wave:

so, what problem do you have? :hmm:

The problem I have is that I am hard of hearing BUT I perform most of the things that a normal kid my age would. Basically if you don't notice my hearing aids you would not know I was HOH.

When I was in high school there was a small program that dedicated their time to help deaf and HOH students. None of my friends were close to my lifestyle. Except one kid who only wore one hearing aid but had a minor hearing loss but we were cool kids, we were like brothers but we lost in touch.
thats what I was wondering...

also... is it a bad thing if people know you are HoH (the sentence in blue)? are you HoH or deaf? We all have problems on this site, none of us are "perfect" but most of us don't see being d/Deaf a problem... I for one am very happy I am Deaf... I wouldn't change it for the world...

No is not a bad thing unfortunately people will eventually have to know. But what I hate the most is having people feeling sorry for me. I think you misunderstood me there, I don't see anyone with a disability problem being something bad. If that's the way they were bought to this world that's the way it is and period!

I wouldn't say I am happy I am deaf because it avoids me from many things but I can say I have accept is the problem I have and will eventually have to live with it.
come again?

Ummm, maybe you should come again after you have read, say, 25 K posts directly/indirectly addressing this basic issue and you will find that the vast majority of us here are "proud" of who we are.
Hi and welcome to Alldeaf! Glad to have you. I was raised in Georgia and love it very much. Hope you will too.
The problem I have is that I am hard of hearing BUT I perform most of the things that a normal kid my age would. Basically if you don't notice my hearing aids you would not know I was HOH.
so what is something that you can "perform" that I can not being Deaf? I don't know of a single thing that (besides hearing obviously) that you can do that I can not... because you are HoH, but have a hearing mentality, and I am Deaf...

When I was in high school there was a small program that dedicated their time to help deaf and HOH students. None of my friends were close to my lifestyle. Except one kid who only wore one hearing aid but had a minor hearing loss but we were cool kids, we were like brothers but we lost in touch.
is it impossible to be cool and be Deaf? I think some of us here would contradict that...

No is not a bad thing unfortunately people will eventually have to know. But what I hate the most is having people feeling sorry for me. I think you misunderstood me there, I don't see anyone with a disability problem being something bad. If that's the way they were bought to this world that's the way it is and period!

I wouldn't say I am happy I am deaf because it avoids me from many things but I can say I have accept is the problem I have and will eventually have to live with it.

Your wording tells me that you think it is a bad thing, that you have not begun to actually accept who you are, that you are not this broken hearie... that that is not what HoH is... it is not being a broken hearie... there is nothing that a hearie can do that I can not (except hear obviously, as stated above) so it is your own mentality that is holding you back. If people feel sorry for you that is their own problem... you can easily correct that... and I think people are feeling sorry for you more and longer, because you feel sorry for yourself... you see yourself as having a disability deafness is not an actual disability, yes society makes it so... but it is not.

I feel sorry for you, sorry if that makes you upset, but it is true... you have not begun to accept who you are, and that it isn't something that you have to "live through" but it is something that is a part of you, and its a wonderful part of you. that is why I feel sorry for you... because it seems to me... you feel sorry for yourself.
Welcome to Alldeaf. People here do not view their deafness as a problem. They have accepted it and live their lives to the fullest. That is what they are trying to explain to you. :) As you read on, and get to know some people here you will learn what AD is about.

I am also HOH and I wear two hearing aids. Some places will actually replace your tubing for free, and some charge up to $10 dollars.
You have to accept your hearing loss if you expect others to. This is who you are. Don't let yourself or anyone else tel you that will keep you from doing anything. I am HOH. I am losing more hearing as time goes on. This is the way ot is. I am NOT handicapped. If you are so bothered by how others view you. Show them they are wrong. You cannot hear like some other people, and neither can we. That is ALL. I play guitar, and sing. I had to make some changes but I do it! You can do whatever you are willing to work for. I never have cared what others thought. If you you live to please others you won't have a life.
The problem I have is that I am hard of hearing BUT I perform most of the things that a normal kid my age would. Basically if you don't notice my hearing aids you would not know I was HOH.

When I was in high school there was a small program that dedicated their time to help deaf and HOH students. None of my friends were close to my lifestyle. Except one kid who only wore one hearing aid but had a minor hearing loss but we were cool kids, we were like brothers but we lost in touch.

As you are no doubt finding out, the vast majority of the deaf/hoh folks here are proud of who and what they are. We did not choose this but we took ownership of it and made it our own. You are bound to see some pretty strong emotions in this area.

I was in your shoes when I was 20. I was firmly entrenched in the hearing world with two hearing aids. My friends would often forget that my hearing is not so good. I did not learn ASL until I was 21. I was forever trapped between two cultures the hearing culture and the Deaf culture. Both wanted to welcome me, but both made me feel like an outsider. It took a long time and a lot of work before I finally felt like I belonged in the Deaf community.

I don't shun the hearing world, but my home is here... in the Deaf community. Still, I live, work, play all in the hearing world.

If you are looking for a home in the Deaf community. You should look into learning ASL. Get involved in Deaf groups. Learn how beautiful life can feel when you finally don't feel like you are stuck between two different worlds.
Hey guys,

Well I can start with I am hard of hearing, but I guarantee you if you met me face to face without my hearing aids being visible you wouldn't notice I am deaf. :giggle:

This morning I had the idea of looking for some tubing, to see if I could get a hold of it and replace if myself. My audiologist is too freaking expensive for something simple and gas prices now these days let's not even go there. :cool2:

I am from NY currently live in GA, I am just now starting to get used to it took me 9 years. I still hate it just a bit lol.

My name is Carlos I am 20 yrs old, going for 21 in Dec 31 looking forward to it!! I might spend in NYC :dance2:

Well I am a fan of forums due to other hobbies I have and I am looking forward to learn a lot more from the deaf world and meet new people with the same problem I have. :wave:

Hi Carlos! :wave:

so, what problem do you have? :hmm:
Biggest problem is obviously where to buy tubing! :P I have provided that. :wave:
Emtech Laboratories, Inc.
Sorry I've been very busy with work and college stuff. Anyway I spoke to my mom the other day about this and she being my mom understood my point right off the bat. Maybe I shouldn't have come in like this. Is clear you guys won't understand my point unless you are in my shoes.

AGAIN I did not say I HAVEN'T accept my hearing issue, if I hadn't I wouldn't have made it this far where I am at. Next step is attending college and I am on that right now. Everyone here is ranting about accepting the hearing issue, what you guys don't see due to no one here has point it out.

Is not just about accepting the hearing issue, is about accepting that just that issue itself can affect you in other ways. Your lifestyle, the way you write, the way you think or see things, the way you express yourself etc...

Why you guys think the percentage of single men with hearing issue is high?
By the way when I came around this forum there was a thread about this and caught my attention because I thought about it for a second and realize it was true BUT I have never had a problem with girls. lol

This could also be one of the things I have been successful with that some of you guys haven't.

Lets be realistic too, all of us have something that not all of us can also accomplish or perform. Or else we would all be the same if this answer your question ASH345

I am proud of who I am, what my life has come to be about so far. I am still in my 20s so I have plenty of time to continue the path I chose to take after graduating high school.

So if you can't comprehend this, I suggest you to leave at it is. :cool2: