Hello everyone!


New Member
Dec 23, 2011
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I guess the first thing I should say is that I'm not deaf. Although, I'm currently trying to learn ASL. I'm trying to teach myself, with the aid of the Internet, but my progress is slow. I think my biggest problem is, is that I don't have anyone to communicate with using the language. I imagine that I would learn it faster if I used it more often. But to my knowledge, there isn't anyone around here that uses it, or understands it.

The reason I'm here though, is curiosity.

Not so long ago I was working the night shift in a store, stocking shelves and the like. Among my co-works there were people that spoke only English, some that spoke only Spanish, and then there were the few that spoke both, who in some cases were too few. And most everyone, regardless of what language they spoke shuffled from one aisle to the other like a zombie in the relative darkness of the pre-opened store. And I imagine that I was one among their numbers, just another dead soul drifting from one assignment to other waiting to be "set free" so I could go home and go back to sleep.
Then, after a few days working there, I caught sight of someone that seemed to simply materialise out of the darkness, as if someone turned on a light. I noted that their presence was very pronounced... To me at least. Their movements were different, more dynamic, colourful. And they seemed to be more focused, almost blind to distraction in a way.
The first chance I got, I said hello to them, and waved a bit, hoping for a friendly response, as I passed the aisle that they were stocking. But to my surprise none was given. It perplexed me a little, because it seemed like they had plainly ignored me, they hadn't even looked at me. But I understood, they were busy, we all were.
A little later, when I had finished stocking the things out of the box I grabbed on my way passed their aisle, I went back to get other box, as, it appeared, everyone else was finishing up.
There were a few a boxes left, they were a little larger then the others, but I didn't think much of it. So I picked one up and started walking down the way as I began to examine the label to find out were it went. Presently, I heard the screeching of someone's shoes against the floor, like they had stopped suddenly, and I looked up. To my surprise, on down the way a bit, standing in the crowd that was walking in the other direction, there they where. If I remember correctly, they were leaning forward, their hands out in front of them, palms facing me, with their fingers spread outward. (A more clear sign to halt could not have been given.) Good Lord! I thought, what had I done? I stood there frozen a moment, shocked, as they continued. They stood up a little and held their arm up over their head with their fingers hooked at the end. And then I saw them saying something (to the effect of): "That goes up there!" I couldn't hear them saying anything, but I could see what they were saying. I pointed down at the box, and they shook their head, and repeated: "That goes up there!" I shook my head and put it back. The conversation turned out to be more complex, but I can't remember how it went.
Later on, when everyone was in the break room, I finally saw them and someone else sitting at one of the back tables signing to each other. And then it finally hit me: They were deaf. I probably should have realised it sooner.
In the few days that followed we were given the chance to talk to each other a little more. We communicated by reading each others lips. I never actually said anything aloud, and neither did they. I really enjoyed it.
We could have a conversation without breathing a word to each other. And I made it a point to sorta over exaggerate what I said a little, to better articulate myself. Now, I don't know if that helped any, or just made me look screwy whenever I said anything to them, but we never had any problems understanding each other, and honestly, they were one of the easiest people to understand and talk to I think I've ever met. They were always very clear, well articulated, and very, very expressive! Which I really liked.
And there was another instance that I found interesting... One day we were stocking odd and ends, and suddenly they grabbed me, my arm. They didn't alarm me though. They had done it to get my attention, they wanted to show me something. But it was the way that they had grabbed my arm, I had never experienced it before. It was forceful and solid, but it wasn't pushy, and it didn't hurt. It was very thoughtful, I guess, its the only way I can think to describe it.
Unfortunately I had to quite (moved), I've not seen them since, but they were one of the most interesting people I've ever met.

I'd like to know about the community.
I've seen that some of the posts here, and it appears to me that you all freely speak your minds... Please be patent with me.

I don't know if I made any sense or not, and if I didn't I'm sorry. I had more I wanted to say, but I don't have the time right now to say it. But at any rate, Hello Everyone!