Hello all...


New Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I am new to the site and what a great site it is!

I have a 12 year old daughter who has been deaf since birth. She wears bilateral hearing aids and is getting ready to get a left CI at the end of April. That decision was a very long and hard one to make, but it was soon made very easy when her residual hearing in the left ear was diminishing terribly. The MD hopes that this will enhance her speech and hearing considerably. She doesn't seem the least bit nervous about this, which I am grateful for.

Anyway, I am a self taught signer who knows little conversational sign but gets by with what I know. I help my daughter's interpreters taech an after school sign language class to kids from K-5 and enjoy it greatly. I find that people who use sign are speaking in the most beautiful form of communication. I am amazed and in awe when I see deaf people having a conversation. I would like to learn more about the Deaf culture and hope that I can find information on this site with everyone's help.

Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about being deaf and HOH and the daily challenges and accomplishments that they face.
Welcome. Since your daughter knows signs and is looking forward to the challenges of cochlear implants, there's an excellent chance she will have the best of both worlds.
:welcome: to AD!

I agree with u that ASL is a beautiful language. Good luck with the Ci surgery for your daughter.

Welcome to AllDeaf.com
You will join it. Enjoy your stay. Have a FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello and :welcome: to AD! Hope you enjoy your way around the postings of interest.

All the best for your daughter's upcoming CI surgery and hope it goes extremely well. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum,gamber2313. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. I really don't approve of having CI on children because of surgery. Hearing aid is better until she grows older a little bit later so that she can decide if she want to have CI inside her brain from surgery. You and the Doctors can not fix her hearing loss. Just make sure she is happy with it. Good luck. Have fun with us and learning all about our deafness, Deaf Culture, and the Deaf community. Yes, ASL is a very beautiful language and I am glad you are using the ASL and communicate with your daughter. Hurrah for you. I hope to see you around. :wave: