Hello, all.


New Member
Nov 2, 2014
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My given name is Glenn Miller but I go by my nickname, Joss.

I'm 61 and am SSD with 50% loss in the other ear. Had a labyrinthectomy in the left several years back. I have bilateral Meniere's I had hoped to outlive, but it's presented itself again in my (half) good ear.

I'm fortunate in that I am a software engineer, which is an occupation that doesn't demand that one be sociable.

I've adapted pretty well over the years, I think. I have to read lips to get the consonants. I can still listen to music and the radio if I have the volume cranked up. I've always been self-sufficient and don't fish, hunt, play golf or drink in the bars, so I really don't do much in the way of communicating with people. Email and Twitter are my two primary methods of communicating.

The balance disorder feature of Meniere's has been more of a challenge than hearing. I've broken several bones over the years because of falls.

I think I might be too old for ASL and there isn't anyone I would know to talk to using it.

One thing I've learned over the years is that there is great power in the wisdom of crowds. I'm sure I'll pick up valuable tidbits in a joint like this!

Best to you all.

:welcome: You never know. You might find some of us fascinating enough that you would want to learn ASL to communicate. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf Forum. It is never too late to learn ASL. Every day of your life you will always learn new things until death. My mom thought she was too old to learn ASL when I was young adult. I was upset that she refused to sign half way to communicate with me so that I could understand her. She was very stubborn.

But for you as a hard of hearing, you can learn how to sign ASL at the ASL class with the Deaf teacher probably at the community college or (State) Hearing Society or somewhere where there are ASL class. You can try at VRS (Vocational Rehabilitation Service) if you are interesting in learning to sign. They might help you. Are you living in the city otherwise you will not get some help in a small town?

Have fun reading and posting. See you around here. :wave:
never too old to learn! also I had the same percentage as you that I lost back then so welcome aboard. :D