Hearing technology


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
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I'm new to this place... :wave:

I'm confused by the models of the technology you all are talking about. Are there more than one places? By that I mean like Advanced Bionics - if you know what I mean. : |

I'm new to this place... :wave:

I'm confused by the models of the technology you all are talking about. Are there more than one places? By that I mean like Advanced Bionics - if you know what I mean. : |

Of course we know what you mean.

Are you an Advanced Bionics salesperson? :P
If you are wondering about Cochlear Implants-there are 3 major companies: Advanced Bionics,Cochlear Corp and Med El.

Implanted Sunnybrook/Toronto Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
There's 3 different manufacturers for Cochlear Implants (well 4, but 1 isn't as well known?), and many various hearing aid manufacturers, if this is what you're referring to. Many different types and models of hearing aids.
There's 3 different manufacturers for Cochlear Implants (well 4, but 1 isn't as well known?), and many various hearing aid manufacturers, if this is what you're referring to. Many different types and models of hearing aids.
I wondered whats the 4th as you said it wasn't well known? Sources please, kind miss
Neurelec was mentioned at the Cochlear Implant patients meeting last week at Sunnybrook/Toronto. However they haven't used Neurelec implants. Apparently not approved here in Canada-yet. Why-no idea.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
as far as I know, Neurelec is used in the UK/Europe area. I came across a blog, so there's at least 2 ladies in the UK area with Neurelec. I don't think US uses Neurelec.
Neuralac is used in the UK, but still very unheard of. Most CI centres use AB, Cochlear or Med-El
Hearing today is all about Technology and the advances seen in recent years. It has been created to house up-to-date discussion on hearing aids.