Hearing Service Dogs


New Member
Oct 31, 2007
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Hello. I'm a hearing individual who has just started to learn ASL. I train dogs and have started training a hearing service dog. I'm very interested in learning the deaf culture and would love any feedback on what the deaf community thinks about hearing dogs. I'm discovering how uninformed hearing people are on the issue and would like to know if deaf people really appreciate such a service. I just find it more rewarding to train a dog for such a purpose. I do need to get involved in the deaf community because a big part of training any dog is to train the owners how to handle them as well. So far...I think deaf people listen better than hearing people.
Hi, I have dogs and I am deaf and I trained my dog so well on my own without a trainer. I trained my dog very young and early to know my signs and hand signals. They do great and they learn quick. I have spend long life time training my dogs for many years as well trainings birds too. I enjoy loving animals and working with them. I also love learning from Cesar Milan "the dog whisper" always help too. So I don't need to go to speical service when I can adopt dogs from shelter and train them on my own. I always keep 110% committement to them. No work is ever easy, but they are worth it. What would u like to know about deaf issues? I be happy to share my view.
Hi Jennyjo,

Snickers is my hearing dog and goes with me most everywhere I go. She's been on duty since late-winter-early-spring 2002. German Shepherd/Akita female and does an outstanding job! I trained here with some assistance from others, but everything else is from me and the program I set up for her. She had an exam today and passed it, as usual. :cool:
I am curious..when one gets a new training dog, do they both have to be together 24/7 in order to get acquaintained with each other? I dont mind having a hearing dog but I cant do the 24/7 thing.
I am curious..when one gets a new training dog, do they both have to be together 24/7 in order to get acquaintained with each other? I dont mind having a hearing dog but I cant do the 24/7 thing.

It's preferable, shel, but not mandatory. Your school kids would love the dog! Go for it!! :cool: