I'm very glad to see that so far there is support for us hearing folks adopting deaf/hoh kids since I did just that!
I knew Adam's hearing wasn't up to par from the start b/c he failed his newborn hearing test THREE TIMES (I've had him since he was a day old technically and was present for at least one of the 'Bear' testing) but drs assumed he had fluid on his ear from the birth process, he'd be able to hear--blah, blah, blah... but he was infact profoundly deaf in his left ear and moderatly deaf in his right... he was 17 months old when our adoption was final (he was a foster care baby to begin with) so I KNEW he was deaf when I legally adopted him--I've actually been asked why would I want to adopt a child with special needs??? Like I was crazy or something...
I've worked hard to make sure he gets the best services he can, he's learning ASL and he does talk (a LOT
) but I'm
not a die hard oralist, if he can talk-- GREAT if not, I love him all the same (he's got brain anomolies that may affect his speech cognition anyhow) -- he's got bilateral hearing aids he's had since he was 3.5 months old... currently I'm at a crossroads b/c he does attend an 'oral only' daycare/preschool and they discourage using ASL... so we're starting to look at some other local options...
I'm sure there are people who disagree w/hearing families adopting deaf children... just like people who disagree w/white families adopting black children, or homosexual couples adopting children period... I just look at them and smile--
better for a child to be in a LOVING, ACCEPTING home than somewhere else is my philosophy