Hearing Outlook And Test Pain

Joelene Tamm

New Member
Jul 8, 2016
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Hi, I was hoping to get a different perspective on my fustrations. I am only completely deaf in one ear. Lately I haven't been hearing moving vehicles and by the time I do it scares me. My lip reading is only beginning to take form. I feel like I never learned how to have a pointless conversation and always have been isolated because I can only communicate one on one. I've been thinking of I got a baha implant I might have better chances at getting a better job, I've been a waitress for all my life, not a good one at that, I can only understand peolpe when I'm looking at them, and if they have a different rythm of speach, well lots of people get angry and accuse me of making up stories. So I have been thinking about how I'm looking at the problem, I've been looking at it as an obsticle, and I wonder how deaf people look at these things. Also yesterday I had a hearing test and my deaf side feels like it's been hit, and both my eardrums feel inflated, are audiologist supposed to test deaf people differently? Why would they turn the sound up too 110 dB if legally deaf is only 90db. Does bone conduction hurt deaf people due to increased sensitvity?.. I guess I have a lot of questions, I tried looking them up but most websites are geared towards normal people.. thanks to any replys

A hearing test shouldn't hurt. The audio test goes up to 115 or 120; don't know what the 'legal' definition of deaf is. If they turned it to 110 and it hurts- you should let them know; sounds like your 'UCL' Uncomfortable level. (my UCL and MCL are the same usually lol- 110-115).

Bone conduction shouldn't hurt either but I do know the headphones for that does feel rather uncomfortable and brief hurt that goes away. Audiologists test all people the same way including deaf.

It sounds like you don't have a hearing aid for the other ear...can always try a bi-cross hearing aid. The 'aid' on the deaf side just helps with directional sound (at least two of my friends had one of those back in college- no idea on the third- will have to ask him).
I have recruitment in my worse ear, so I can't have the volume of my HA in that ear as high as I might need to hear well. Pretty much my better ear (which is severe-to-profound) does most of the hearing. My other HA just gives me balance in sound.

That is good information, I will pay attention to UCL and be sure and let them know. I had a cross hearing aid, it helped with the head shawdow effect. Maybe slightly with directional sound, I knew if the loud sound sounded digital it was from the hearing aid. The problem was I had to turn it up in order to understand spoken words, must of been above my UCL because my ear would hurt, my audiologist at the time said I was hypersensitive, he didn't know why the deaf side hurt, it dident hurt from the aide, it hurt inside a mild sharp pain. I would of kept it, if it didn't eat batteries, I wasn't scared to loose it, it didn't hurt and it wasn't $3G. The bi-cross was nice hearing my kids and not having in to be on everyone's right side. Most of the time I'm happy with the way God made me, so that I don't have to hear all the crap people say, I just worry bieng a single mom that I won't be aware enough, or normal enough to get through this society. And I worry that bieng "hypersensitive" the bone drilling in my head will be a mistake I cant undo. I've never known anyone that's been deaf, I've met people that say they are like me but only one was, most don't look like they are, they aren't spinning in circles while people are laughing, they dont ask people to repeat themselves. I'm sorry I guess I am angry, one of my managers said his sister was completely deaf and she wasn't angry, she liked her world. I guess I am wondering how can you like a world that is so fusterating and full of assumptions?
I have recruitment in my worse ear, so I can't have the volume of my HA in that ear as high as I might need to hear well. Pretty much my better ear (which is severe-to-profound) does most of the hearing. My other HA just gives me balance in sound.

Thank you for your reply, my fustrations are waning through education. I have SSD due to spinal menegitis, it got my right side ear and eye nerves.

I just read about recruitment and hyperacusus, it's starting to make sense, how certain loud noises feel like razor blades, while other people seem not bothered. Does recruitent cause pain?

Maybe if I dident turn my hearing aide up all the way, it wouldn't of hurt. I guess that was pretty silly gambling all or nothing.