Hearing momma to a Deaf girl


New Member
Apr 26, 2008
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My name is Melissa. I am a hearing mother to a Deaf daughter. Miss Kat will turn 5 in June. She attends a bi-bi school for the Deaf. Hubby and I didn't know Miss Kat had a hearing loss until she was 18 months because she is slowly losing her hearing. She was born hearing but now has a "severe" hearing loss and we are considering a CI for her. We starting signing with Miss Kat before we even knew she was Deaf, so when we found out, we continued. She communicates as well as any of the Deaf of Deaf kids in her school and loves to tell stories with only CL that blow my small hearing mind! We also attend a Deaf church and believe that when Miss Kat leaves our nest she will join the Deaf community and hopefully will bring us with her.

Well, that is our story. I am here to chat and learn!
My name is Melissa. I am a hearing mother to a Deaf daughter. Miss Kat will turn 5 in June. She attends a bi-bi school for the Deaf. Hubby and I didn't know Miss Kat had a hearing loss until she was 18 months because she is slowly losing her hearing. She was born hearing but now has a "severe" hearing loss and we are considering a CI for her. We starting signing with Miss Kat before we even knew she was Deaf, so when we found out, we continued. She communicates as well as any of the Deaf of Deaf kids in her school and loves to tell stories with only CL that blow my small hearing mind! We also attend a Deaf church and believe that when Miss Kat leaves our nest she will join the Deaf community and hopefully will bring us with her.

Well, that is our story. I am here to chat and learn!

Welcome! I wish there were more hearing parents with your wonderful perspective! I have no doubt that you will raise a well adjusted and happy daughter.
Hello and :welcome: to AD! I hope you will continue to stay with us on this site and enjoy the topics of interests. I admire your positive attitude and no doubt you'll succeed in raising a happy child. :)
Welcome to AD!!!

I just love your perspective and look forward to reading your future posts!!!

Wow......that's awesome!!!!! Two thumbs up! Just wondering......is she getting speech therapy? Are you satisfied with the quality of the speech she is getting? I know that one major complaint that some hearing parents have, is that the quality of speech therapy in Deaf schools can be not too good.
Are you hooked up with the American Society for Deaf Children? That's a great organization for kids who Sign.
I'm terribly dissatified with her speech therapist! She thinks that because the kids sign that they will never sucessful, and she tells the parents that! But we take her to a private therapist who signs, so we don't do it at school.
She thinks that because the kids sign that they will never sucessful, and she tells the parents that! But we take her to a private therapist who signs, so we don't do it at school.
THAT at a DEAF school? WOW. Just wow.....At least you have a sign friendly private speech therapist! That's cool too that you're doing it out of school. She'll have more time to concentrate on acutal content at school, instead of being pulled out of class for various and sundry things.
Welcome. Sorry for your daughter's education problems. You'll find lots of opinions here to sift through. Some may not be right for her, but all are educational.

Welcome to AllDeaf.com
You will join it. Enjoy your stay. Have a FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
faire, welcome to AD!
I am also a hearing parent with two deaf sons.
there are a few of us parents of deaf kids here, and I am sure you will like it here.
I am glad to meet you!