I signed with my son from birth. It was hugely beneficial. He had a vocabulary of about 90 signs that he used until around two when the balance between sign and speech shifted to speech. Since he could speak clearly enough to make himself understood, there wasn't much external motivation for him to sign anymore. Six months later, I've started contemplating second languages. Sign language seems an obvious choice, but since we live in the hearing world, should we stick with PSE (not SEE) instead of ASL? My gut says most people will say, "Aim for ASL. Chances are you'll fall short and end up speaking a form of PSE anyway." Though some others might say, "You're a native English speaker. Don't try to teach a language you're not fluent in. Stick with PSE." Thoughts? I'm also interested in knowing how people -feel- about me trying to teach my hearing child to sign. I don't want to try and introduce him into a world where he may not be welcome. Thanks in advance for sharing your expertise!