Hello everyone, Im 17 years old, male, and just a a year ago I got a hearing aid for my right ear because I was afflicted with hearing loss due to playing with fireworks and loud music(parties, etc)

This happened about 3 years ago and only this year did it start showing up. One day I woke up and it felt like my ears were stuffy. You know, it wasn't as clear as it was before, so I kept digging my ear, at home, in school, until it bled! I know, stupid me, this was before I knew it was hearing loss. I only made it worse! So I can say that this is my fault for making myself hard of hearing

Anyways, I just graduated high school and Im now starting college, staying in the dorms with 3 other guys, really fun!
ALso I was wondering, when I go to college, I can't seem to put my hearing aid on... I mean I can hear the professor's lectures and questions, but not some of the students around me. I want to wear it so I can hear, but I cant seem to get myself used to it so I dont wear it.. Can someone please tell me some ways of forcing yourself to wear them? Thanks! I try to force myself but I just can't put it on.