Hearing loss and hearing aid?


New Member
Dec 2, 2014
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Hi friends. I am affected by mild hearing loss. I need some tips to avoid this hearing loss. I think this is a big issue to me. I am not able to understand the conversation and suddenly I forget everything. What is the problem is going on me?
You can not get rid of hearing loss. It is the only way for you to wear hearing aid if you are late deafened. You might be able to pick up the words better than we are who are born deaf. But if you still don't understand the conversation, then you just use pen and pads (papers) to write between you and the person. If you are in a group, then you are lost. There is close captioned on T.V. where you can read what people said. So that help.

Where are you from? :hmm:
They have different hearing aids for different types if hearing loss. If it's mild, you could probably use the ones from Wal-Mart.
I am wondering how older you are b/c you said you're forgetting things and hearing lost does not do that . I would see your doctor and see what is going on with your memory and see if you have any wax build up in your ears . I know someone that thought he was losing his hearing and it was wax in his ears.
As said above, you need an aid or some type of device.

As for forgetting things, you are probably not forgetting so much as not relying on what is said. For me, I sometimes don't commit names to memory because I'm not sure if I heard the name correctly.