Hearing Aid Help


New Member
May 18, 2015
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I have been wearing hearing aids for years. Current set is just about at the end of their useful life. I would like to become aware of the most current technology and best brand for my profile, but can't find anyone who can help. I am a Kaiser patient, but they are not very useful. I have visited many hearing aid suppliers, but they only sell me on their product.

Are there any audiologists or other resources out there that I can pay to review my profile and recommend the best solution.

Thanks to all.
Where do you live , you can ask your doctor for name of an audi to go.
If you go to a hearing aid dealer they'll try to sell their own brand . An
good audi will test your testing and find the HA that best fit your hearing lost and life style .
This is what i used to wear

I dont like Kaiser
Depends on the plan and state. My CI only cost $150 for outpatient copay and my Dr visit copays. In Colorado they only paid $500/year for HA. In CA the plan my Ex has at work covers new HA every 3 years.
Maybe check out hearingaidforums.com
There are HA users & audiologist a on those forums and can give you their opinions.
Depends on the plan and state. My CI only cost $150 for outpatient copay and my Dr visit copays. In Colorado they only paid $500/year for HA. In CA the plan my Ex has at work covers new HA every 3 years.

Yeah , that is why I asked where they lived , it help if we knew.
What yes plenty will you just have to go to the doctor and have a hearing text go to a audiologist that can show you different modles .