He is off the chain!!


New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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So I had my monthly party with my black crew this weekend around 40 to 50 people, and brought my best friend, (who is Deaf), for the second time. On into the night they decided to do a “soultrain line” for those who don’t know that is the dance show and they used to do a dance line where one person would have the spot light and dance. Well 2 people did and then no one else. My friend decided he wanted to but chickened out because he said “I am white so they might not think I can dance” I told him I have been friends with these people for years and I know they will like it. I had to tell him 3 times to go ahead because, as I have said before he is a great dancer. Finally he got up and at first everyone was like, “OKAY OKAY OKAY” then when he really started breaking it down the house went crazy. Everyone was up on their feet goin nuts. Screaming, yelling, “hell naw” …. He is the sh*t!!”… “look at him!!!”
Finally he stopped (he told me later because he could hear people scream and that distracted him so much he couldn’t feel the beat anymore), and everyone was still going crazy coming up to him doing the “high five” telling him he was great. They talked about him for 15 minutes after. People were saying “so did you see when he did this?” …. “no how bout when he was down here and he did this thing and the came up and did… well I can’t do like him but you know what I mean”…. “I can’t get with that, that boy is off the chain”….. “lord I can’t breath now”.
I interpreted everything I could pick up because everyone was talking at the same time. He felt so happy. After we left we were chillin at his house and he said, “you know they were thinking ‘and this guy is Deaf?‘” I said you are right they were thinking that. He said he felt glad that he could show that Deaf people can be great dancers too, because Deaf can do anything, except hear!
Ahhh...must have been one heckuva nite for your friend, bringing down the house and getting plenty of action under the spotlight! That's great and cool! :thumb:

(btw, thread was moved to this forum.... ;) )
Exactly. There are many deaf dancers out there. They dont need to hear sounds but rather feeling and following the beats. Good for you and your friend. Bring more exposure to hearing world.
Yeah he has no problem socializing with anyone. He will just walk up to some one and start talking to them. I know most if not all have never met a Deafie before him. You always want your different friends to like each other, if you think they are cool you will want everyone to think that. It was great for him and it was great for the other people there, made the night that much more fun. Every party needs a point that you can look to and say, wow remember that? Well that was that point in the party.
Sounds like u guys had a blast time!!! :) I love dancing :)
Good story there,:thumb: Southern, it was even nicer how you treat your deaf friend too, I wish there were more hearing people like you out there, some of those hearings aren't very friendly with the deaf, with their so call attitude just seems to be a turned off, when they don't even have the time of the day to even do their part in trying to communicate or make us feel participle in their group. You know what I mean? ;) You got a good heart there, Southern just wanted to tell you that.
Thanks Cheri!! =) I don’t know how else to be…..
As I said before he is my best friend. We go every where together and do everything together. I take him to my hearing friends parties and he takes me to his Deaf friends parties. The first time he invited me to one I felt so special. It is really hard to explain how I felt. I felt ……..accepted. This was MONTHS ago though. Probably 6 months ago that I went to the first deaf party.
And all my friends at the party that I started this thread for when they talk to him they look at him, not me. They look him in the eye, speak a little slow and a little more clear then they normally would. The slow down is like droping only 5 miles per hour though. I did not have to tell anyone to look him in the eyes, talk to him no me, (if I am terping) slow your speech a little so he can catch everything when lip reading. AND NO ONE YELLS AT HIM!!! They talk in a normal voice. I hate when people do that. Everyone just did it right off. They treat him no different. He got felt up by the women and was made to do shots with the guys just like me. My friends are great. We get together once a month and have a blast drinking eating dancing way into the night. We have been doing this for almost 3 years and we have never had one fight or argument and that is saying something when everyone is getting drunk.