Having SSI and a job.


New Member
Oct 1, 2006
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Hope this is in the right place to post this question.

I was told I can get a job and keep SSI as long as I didn't excede a certian amount of earnings from the job ( true or false?). When I google for information it gives me confusing documents typed in a legal format and doesn't really answer the questions. I am inable to really find what I'm looking for...

I need to have a job and keep SSI otherwise I'm stuck with section-8 apparments. I want to be able to afford something at least semi nice that doesn't have the interior decor that resembles a set from the Brady bunch.

Can someone provide me with a link to information regarding it? Anything helpful to the situation would do fine. Thanks in advance.
A lot of people tried to better themselves while on Sec 8 and SSI. Many people trip and lose both and it takes like 12 yrs to get it back. So the best thing you can do is live comfortably where youre at.

If you want some nice things in your home, get it free from the craigslist.com site.

Hm, thanks. I'll keep that in mind... It's actually very valuable information. I wonder if people who've lost both in process, if they had a lawyer present to help them handle their affairs (not like many could afford it...) would they still have both..?
well, if you earn less than 80 bux a month on job, you get fulll ssi, but anything over 80 dollars, for every 2 dollars you make you lose a dollar on your ssi for example, you earned 82 dollars a month from work, ssi will reduce your ssi check by a dollar., if 84 dolllars, then ssi will reduce ur ssi check by 2 dollars, so forth.

SSD is whole different story, much more flexible, if you work and earn less thaqn 850 dollars, you get to keep all ssd check, but if you work more than 850 dollars, you will get nothing from ssd!

I think what cause confusion is difference between ssi and ssd!
A lot of people tried to better themselves while on Sec 8 and SSI. Many people trip and lose both and it takes like 12 yrs to get it back. So the best thing you can do is live comfortably where youre at.

If you want some nice things in your home, get it free from the craigslist.com site.


Try finding an hd tv on craigslist!! Dont forget either that in 5 years everything will be HD.