having a tough time finding a summer job..

strippers are always in demand, just sayin'... :P

:giggle:...yeah...my friend and I were shooting the bull the other day....I mentioned that it "might" be a great idea to open up a strip club featuring "senior citizen ladies"....Something NEW for the city....
:giggle:...yeah...my friend and I were shooting the bull the other day....I mentioned that it "might" be a great idea to open up a strip club featuring "senior citizen ladies"....Something NEW for the city....

it might work. old guys are horney too...
Do you need money more or do you need experience?

Money's harder, you will have to keep it up and keep trying to where you want to go. It's all a luck game.

If you need experience for future job or whatnot, volunteering at police department, deaf club or other community areas are always open for help. It will help your future resume.

i need both money and experience with jobs. The reason i have not been getting a job for the past four years was because of school and band. School and band took up a lot of my free time, I would have school from 7:50-2:50 and then i would have practice at 6-9 in the evening, leaving me only 2-3 hours of trying to get homework done and squeezing in a quick dinner and getting myself ready for practice. Once i'm done with practice, i take a quick shower and go to bed. Every weekend i would have either a all day practice or a competition that would be a all day event.

But with band i developed a few skills, like, being on time for example. And good leadership skills and public-speaking skills too. My confidence went from being extremely shy from my freshman year in high school to being a social butterfly by the time i was a sophomore, and I still am.

My parents have told me repeatedly that they will not be giving me any more money (except for gas) and that i need to find a job. I hear that so many times and I am trying. Its so hard to find a job with the economy trying to return to normal like it was before. But honestly, i don't know if the economy will ever turn back to normal with all the nonsense going on nowadays.
You could always go to a temporary agency ,apply for data entry.
Kennels are always looking for kids in the summer to help.
Also housekeeping is a good summer job if you live near resorts/big hotels (tips also) Ive done these things when times were hard or getting experience working.
My favorite job was working at a preschool . You have to be 18 to work there ,to get paid.
My oldest daughter volunteers to get a feel for workforce to see what she likes( She's 14) . So far daycare (she loved) and Bread company (she liked that as well).
You could always go to a temporary agency ,apply for data entry.
Kennels are always looking for kids in the summer to help.
Also housekeeping is a good summer job if you live near resorts/big hotels (tips also) Ive done these things when times were hard or getting experience working.
My favorite job was working at a preschool . You have to be 18 to work there ,to get paid.
My oldest daughter volunteers to get a feel for workforce to see what she likes( She's 14) . So far daycare (she loved) and Bread company (she liked that as well).

I was thinking about applying to a toy store thats not too far from my house. Its about maybe 5 minutes away from my house. I was also thinking about applying to a library or maybe working or volunteering for my deaf camp that i've been going to since i was a little kid. I haven't been to the deaf camp since i was maybe in the 5th grade. But i visited the deaf camp my sophomore year in high school.
Those sound like a great idea.
Volenteering will look good on colledge application and be a rewarding experience.
Toy store or library is a good idea too.
When my daughter turns 15 next year she's thinking of doing that at her old camp my youngest goes to now. :thumb:
hope you find something to work to earn some $$. are you planning to go to college in the fall??
Why fast food is best start? Number one reason is no one wants these job and when one take these jobs, whoever takes these job would prove they wanted to work. Most employer would rather hire those who really want work and is currently working.

How about this?

WWOOF around the world

Click on one of the three links under United States. These are volunteer opportunities that could lead to employment of some sort. I suggest this over fast food for a couple of reasons. One, when S-is going to-HTF, where you going to get oil/coal to run the powerplants that supply electricity to the fast food junk joints in the big cities as a result of the US Dollar losing its world reserve currency status? You have to remember that you would be serving food to the very last person in the entire chain; the consumer! You would be losing a substantial customer base who no longer can afford fast food (or any food for that matter - look to Zimbabwe and Greece for today's examples of monetary policy run amok). Two, you would be developing and growing much-needed skills as a farmer. Without farmers, a country doesn't survive and becomes reliant on foreign countries for food, especially if future generations of both countries should become hostile and hurt trade relations. At least, SOMEONE is going to be buying food off of you, whether it be expensive restaurants still able to continue to operate under these circumstances or the people living down the road from the farm. AND you would be safely out of the way of millions of people coming out of the big cities in the scramble for food and safety, IF you are far enough away.

I'm considering looking into wwoof next year, starting to look in late winter. I encourage you to find something, as you might find something.

A fast food joint would be the last possible place I would look to employment. Remember, you're breathing in all that grease that is aerated into the cooking room... If SHTF personally for me, I'd be at a farm the very next day, didn't matter where I was. I'd rather be out of the city and outside in sunshine than the other way around. People don't know what they're missing. I've been living in big cities for the last near-30 years, and I'm tired of it. I hate it here, and I'm looking for ways to get out.

Good luck! I realize it's a tough environment out there. You might even have to work under the table and start your own business in the black market. Every time gov't tries to regulate businesses more and more, the bigger the black market grows. It ALWAYS happens this way. Consider that you are in a worker-hostile and business-hostile environment in the US.
Try applying for a federal internship, which will lead to other jobs. The good thing about federal service is that you need to be a major screw up to get fired. It's one of the most secure fields for work. Good luck.

The problem IS, that is CONTRIBUTING to exactly the problem we have now - gov't spending is out of control because salaries are high, pork barrels number by the thousands, and there are too many gov't workers versus private-industry workers. You CANNOT support ever-expanding gov't with a shrinking private workforce, or you'll end up with Greece, with its 45% taxation rates and/or 5 billion being collected this year versus only 1 billion last year. Imagine your tax bill going up five times, AND it's taken out of your electric bill. Pay your taxes and you'll have electricity, or else! Right now, we, as well as many other heavily-indebted nations, are faced with having to cut gov't spending or raise taxation rates in this country, and you'll know how well that goes. DON'T ADD TO THE BUDGET DEFICIT by hiring more gov't workers! All it takes for you to lose your job is legislation that supercedes your anti-firing status and defunds your agency. Remember, human society is the biggest make-believe there is, and society will do ANYTHING to prevent people from realizing that and keep itself going as long as possible.
:giggle:...yeah...my friend and I were shooting the bull the other day....I mentioned that it "might" be a great idea to open up a strip club featuring "senior citizen ladies"....Something NEW for the city....

Yeah.. and you can provide free Fixodent on each table.