My hearing mother was in High School. She choice the topic for her essay to write a paper to observation various handicapped. So, she picked Deaf topic in her term paper in 1953. She visited Rhode Island School for the Deaf to meet Deaf students and teachers about perspective to the speech and oral versus sign language. My Mom becomes very fascination in sign language. She went to the Sandy Pond to swimming there with her friends. She saw my Dad with Deaf friends. My Dad has a good looking with wave brown hair, beautiful smile face and muscles in her chest and arms.
My Dad swam very fast to race with other Deaf friends. My Dad got first place. My mom stared at my Dad and follow him all over at the beach. My Mom asked my Dad, what is your name? Other Deaf friends were making fun of my Dad because he was very shy guy. One Deaf man made my Mom and Dad dating after the beach. My Dad said nahhh... Did not have a time. blach blahhhh...
Next day, my mom went to the beach to wait for my Dad... Good enough, Dad's friend showed up there. My mom approached him, where Philip is?
Know what... my grandmother forbidded my Mom dating with Deaf man. My grandmother was worried about Deaf grandchildren. Look at me... I am her Deaf granddaughter.
My Mom would NEVER dream to have a Deaf daughter as me. She taught me alot of things to give me a positive and strong attitude. My Mom realized that speech and oral does not help my academic improve. My mom accepted me for who I am.
My Mom and I were very closer relationship !! She involved many activities and support at RISD for years !!
I meet my Dad's old friend in Hartford, CT last year. That is how, I found out more about my parents.