Have you had experience with CPS?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Just wondering so tell us.. and cps means children protective service
yes, it was nasty experienced.. related to my ex first husband..
you tell us and why ask us?
WildKaTReSS said:
Just wondering so tell us.. and cps means children protective service

No I have never experienced CPS getting involved with my way of parenting my daughters. I am way too devoted to them to get in any trouble but I know a few parents who had to go through parenting classes, anger management training, supervising visits, etc.
Yea it was horrible experienced for me. It is all because of my exh who are unfit father to his pervious marriage's kids.

I had cps called on me for my son but it was dropped cuz there was no evidence. :P to CPS.

My life is so much involved with my son who need me the most. I had ppl telling me that I do good job with my son. So there I got enough ppl who will back me up. So I am not worry cuz I know I can do it and learn the experienced from the past.