Have anyone ate pass expire date food cans?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Well, I ate chicken dumplings from the can. I didnt notice it then all in a sudden I saw the date June 13 2003. I was like,"Opps!" and I was worried so I called the Indiana Posion Center. They told me I should be fine as long as the food can was good and sealed. So I was relieved. They also told me the stomach destory the bacteria. It can be also by vommitting and diarrea. They told me no need to worry about it. I only ate a little bit of it. Then I threw up some of them and I did go to the bathroom for a break. So I am fine now . Have it happened to you also? :ugh:
Drank a sour milk and wasn't even expired so I took the food back and demand 3 gallon of milk for free or I'll report to Food Administration... They got scared...
Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
Drank a sour milk and wasn't even expired so I took the food back and demand 3 gallon of milk for free or I'll report to Food Administration... They got scared...

:shock: Whoa... did ya get new one then? Was you fine when you drank the sour milk or became sick? :(
lmao, this thread is shit funny.

sarah, it will kill you... :laugh2: call poison center? that's so funny.
Originally posted by WildKaTReSS
:shock: Whoa... did ya get new one then? Was you fine when you drank the sour milk or became sick? :(
I was still fine at the time but the taste so gross I couldn't even explain how it taste but ugh!
Done drink few times from milk already 7 days after expired. oh my tasted so shit and my stomach's disgust for few hours. Back to normal later on.
There are a lot of food that is still good after its expiration date. I've had soda that expired a month or two ago. If you have powerful taste buds, you'd probably notice a tiny difference. Other than that, it's not deadly. The only thing that should really be a concern is fresh bread, meat, dairy, and vegetables.
I almost ate old chicken. First, I found taste something funny and realzied I forget to put in freeze instead cooler one. It been almost 2 weeks. Thank god, I didn't put these in my stomach.
Originally posted by illustrator
I almost ate old chicken. First, I found taste something funny and realzied I forget to put in freeze instead cooler one. It been almost 2 weeks. Thank god, I didn't put these in my stomach.
Yeah, that's what happens to meat when you don't freeze it. For fresh food, it's best if you eat it soon after buying it. Things that's okay to store are boxed or canned food like soup or mac-n-cheese. Other than that, eat it quickly!
milk i WILL know if its old by just looking at it but otherwise ive eaten canned food past their expiration date and hadnt gotten sick :dunno:
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I do remmy my school's soo famous to keep food too long. Often I see near or passed the expiration date. Some tiny cereral box have maggots alike. Some food grew ugly mold.
That why I eat out everyday during my senior year from end of October till the day I graduated. Packed 35 pounds during time. :ugh:
Lasza said:
I do remmy my school's soo famous to keep food too long. Often I see near or passed the expiration date. Some tiny cereral box have maggots alike. Some food grew ugly mold.
That why I eat out everyday during my senior year from end of October till the day I graduated. Packed 35 pounds during time. :ugh:

Ouch...I'm very anal at checking use by dates on food and the sorts. Although, I've never eaten nor drunk anything that was past it's expiry date...still, I had heard horror stories about finding maggots and mould on food...etc! So, that made me paranoid and check everything before I use them! ;)
:barf: that's how i feel when I taste old food cuz it doesn't taste FRESH same with starbucks coffee when it was expired few days old and the stuff wud be floating at top of that stupid coffee in starbucks bottle I was like damn.. :roll: always need to check if it's not expired if it is then take it off the shelf :roll: some people are too lazy to do that :laugh2: