Has this ever happened to you?



After a week of working for a deaf school for the first time, one of the supervisors came up to me and asked me a bunch of questions about hearing aids. Of course, she is hearing. Here's how the dialogue went:

She: "You speak so well!! Have you ever had cochlear implants or hearing aids?"

Me: "No, I don't have cochlear implants. Bad idea. And I tossed my hearing aids 11 years ago."

She: *gasp!* "Why would you do that?? It's so good for you! You should get new hearing aids!"

Me: "I would rather not have hearing aids at all."

She: "What's wrong with hearing aids?"

Me: "They are WAY too expensive. The bills to pay for the doctor appointments, hearing aid batteries, the changing of ear molds, and the medicine for ear infections."

She: "Ear infections??"

Me: "Before I got rid of my hearing aids, I always get ear infections just about once a month. After I threw away my hearing aids, I started to have ear infections like once a year!"

She: "But V.R. would help pay for your hearing aids!"

Me: "No, I don't think so. I am not a charity case, and I do not want to waste V.R.'s money if I am not going to use hearing aids."

She: "But that is so terrible!! You MUST have hearing aids! You won't be able to hear!!"

Me: "I just don't think it is important anymore.. Look at me, I am fine after 11 years of no hearing aids. I like being Deaf. Because I am profoundly deaf, I have to have special ear molds and hearing aids. They cost too much!! I noticed that whenever I am wearing my hearing aids, they have been making me dizzy and damaging the nerves in my ears. Now, without the hearing aids, the dizziness disappeared. I started to hear just very, very tiny sounds from loud noises."

She: "Well, if you don't get hearing aids, you are being a bad example to those hearing impaired children you will be working with!"

Me: *I was ready to cuss her out, but I needed the job. I had to wear a fake smile and say:* "You're entitled to your own opinion, ma'am. I am also entitled to mine! Thank you very much."

Have you ever had to deal with a supervisor like this??
Damn...when will she get the point, you don't want hearing aids. It is an option to have them or not. I know alot of people who wear them, and I know people that have them and never wear them. That wasn't right for her to be putting you down for not wearing them.
Oh geez....She need to keep her opinion to herself and stfu -- its none of her concern to begin with! I hate when people are like that...pisses me off. :roll:
Deaf258, you have class! Sucks to be her, though.. lol
Nope, I never had a supervisor like that.
However, my bosses and aquaintances have asked me if I tried to have cochlear implants or not. I keep on telling them that I am pretty satisified with the way I am right now, and do not see the need for me to have one. They usually respect me and never questioned me why. It shows me that they respect me no matter what I am. That woman does not know how to respect you, and is rather judgmental for a woman working at a school for the deaf.
She: "But that is so terrible!! You MUST have hearing aids! You won't be able to hear!!"


Oh, how positively rude of you to have an experience and an opinion that did not match her personal sense of reality! And to consider being happy in a way that she would not! :lol: The world is full of those people really...I just think of them as opportunities to practice patience. ;)
Hi Kipourgos,

The thread that you posted to is 5 years old and it looks as if the original poster is no longer on AD.
wow, nope i never had that happened to me before. My teachers and my classmates has asked me a BUNCH of questions about my cochlear implant. Because they never seen it before. But deaf 258, way to go!
Yeah It happened to me either. It sound she is wrong! She have no right to force you to do. I don't like anyone force me to do. But I am wearing HA to hear. She need to respect everyone's decide to wear HA or not. If you don't like to wear HA. That's your decide!