Has political correctness done too far here?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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My daughter and granddaughter saw a play of Snow White and my daughter was telling me during the play someone asked Dopey if he didn't like being called 'Dopey ' b/c he was 'deaf'. This asked in ASL and the person said to Dopey that would made you feel bad so we will call you 'Friendly'. I was like HUH?? When did Dopey become HOH .
My daughter said the person that put the play on wanted to be
'political correct' . What the hell does being hoh of have to with being called Dopey ??? Did I miss something in Snow White was Dopey deaf ?

My daughter said one child watching the play said "There is no dwarf named Friendly in Snow White !" Smart kid! What do people think of this should Dopey been called deaf b/c he never talked and acted . well dopey?

My daughter had no idea this was a going to happen in the play .
Google is your friend - before you go off on a rampage. Apparently Dopey was deaf.


Disney animators were first told of this new film by Walt himself. After returning from the cafe across from the studio Walt called a few of them into the sound stage. "C'mon in the sound stage. I've got something to tell you guys." Walt preceded to tell the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The story took two hours to tell, the animators sat teary eyed from the wonderful tale. "That's going to be our first Feature!" Walt proudly announced.

By late 1934, Walt had created a special unit of men to work on developing a better story. The plot had been transformed from Walt's story, and characters were forming. Walt established the "seven dwarfs" characterization, by giving each character the name of their most recognizable quality.

Happy "A glad boy, addicted to happy proverbs"
Sleepy "Sterling, Always going to sleep."
Doc "Leader and Spokesperson for the Dwarfs. Dignified, and Pompous
Bashful "Has a high peaked skull. Blushing, squirmy." (not planned originally)
Sneezy Always sneezing. Dwarfs try to stop him from sneezing
Grumpy "Grouch, Woman-hater. Last to befriend Snow White.
Dopey "Deaf, happy, quick movements." (not planned originally)


There have been numerous jokes over the years as to what Snow White's sidekicks should have been named, but the following 10 were actually options. The original fairytale left the dwarves nameless; theater productions over the years have either followed that tradition or made up random names, such as Quee and Glick. But Disney wanted his dwarves' names to reflect their physical and character traits. Just think how different the movie might have been if Snow White's most lovable little buddy had been named Dirty. Hmm.


This just has "wrong" written all over it.


Deafy also made it into a draft and his character was described in a manner that would probably make the American Society for the Deaf cringe:

"Deafy is a happy sort of fellow—he always tries to make clever remarks, but he misinterprets other people's attitudes toward him. He feels, lots of times, that they are saying something about him, or that they have made some remarks, which they haven't at all—he takes exception to the most ridiculous things. Throughout the picture Deafy and Gordon are always clashing. Deafy will pick up one word of the conversation in the early part, and whereas the conversation topic might have changed completely, he still sticks to the first thing that he heard, and in this way we hope to get some comical situations out of Deafy."
I was going to say perhaps the person who put on the play took some creative license to Snow White and put her own interpretation into it (that's been done multiple times including parodies) but after reading LoveBlue's post it does make sense.

Considering the time period that the Disney Snow White was created the name Dopey kind of makes sense as I'm betting that was probably common usage... better than Dumbo or Dummy... Deafy... hmm lol before their time.
How do little people feel about being called dwarfs.to me dopy was just dopy I did not see him as having leaning delay or deaf.he was cartoon and charector from fairy tale end of.Yes everything ott these days.he not stupid he minor and kept unconsious stupid girl who not do as she told how hard is it not eat an apple
How do little people feel about being called dwarfs.to me dopy was just dopy I did not see him as having leaning delay or deaf.he was cartoon and charector from fairy tale end of.Yes everything ott these days.he not stupid he minor and kept unconsious stupid girl who not do as she told how hard is it not eat an apple

:laugh2: Maybe Snow white should had been called Dopey .

The movie was made 1937 so I bet deaf and hoh people were called worst names than dopey . I was just wondering how other people thought about this play.
maybe snow white was sniffing the white stuff became high as kite and dwarfs part of hallucination...sleeping beauty remember the needle. All things think about but I dont