Has any one had this experience before?


New Member
Oct 8, 2017
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Hello all!
I'm new here and I want to share this pattern I've been noticing, and was wondering if anyone has been having the same experiences.

I would be listening in on a group conversation, where the speaker would wear my personal fm system microphone. The speaker is about to curse, or has cursed but then stops, looks at me, and says, "Sorry", with that "oops" facial expression. I wore hearing aids all my life, and sometimes my peers, teachers, professors, and aquaintances would do this. Today this happened again and it pissed me off. What were they sorry for?? I am an adult. Why do they think that will bother me? Do they think my brain never processed those sounds before and are afraid of what happens if it did? I'm so confused of why this happens.

Does this happen to you?

Maybe I'm overreacting, being too sensitive, and taking things too seriously. Maybe I'm self centered and I've been misinterpreting things because I heard it wrong. I'm just getting tired. I'm tired, but I'm trying.

On a lighter note, hey there! How are you all?

Maybe they feel it's like a direct connection to your ears and that might feel somehow awkward to them. I really don't.

I swear like a trucker and honestly don't care who hears me do it. But that's the only reason I can think of. It's still stupid.
It's happened to me too, in group conversations and one-on-one....Seems some people feel they have to walk on egg shells around those of us who have hearing problems...?? And in the past, (not sure about now), whenever a curse word on TV comes up, the captions will block it out....and inasmuch as I dislike the "F" word, it's very common today....
It's happened to me too, in group conversations and one-on-one....Seems some people feel they have to walk on egg shells around those of us who have hearing problems...?? And in the past, (not sure about now), whenever a curse word on TV comes up, the captions will block it out....and inasmuch as I dislike the "F" word, it's very common today....
That would annoy the f*** out of me. :slap:
How do you feel about using the "F" word in front of your elders?...Father/mother/grandparents?....
I've done it. I do back it down in front of my grandmother. Though she has explicitly told me she doesn't like it. Mother, I don't change, but she gives me looks. Father is just as foul mouthed as my sister and me.
Maybe because they're wearing a microphone they're more conscious of what they're saying? :dunno:

Do they behave the same way when not on mic? That is, have you noticed them ever apologize to other hearing people?
I'm hearing and people apologise for swearing in front of me all the time. It's because they know I don't swear and are afraid that they might have offended me. Maybe it is because of what they either do it don't know about your personality.
I am hearing and people apologize for swearing in front of me too, sometime. You may have that "innocent face." People often say I look (but I am not, lol...and when I swear, they all look at me like, "Wow, SHE swear!!" ok, I really don't swear a lot, it's rare and I don't like it, but may be you just have that "innocent look"...or may be you have the reputation of doing the right thing (and they are embarrassed of swearing in front of you, like feeling guilty..).