Happy halloween !


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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Are people going out for a Halloween party and what will you be dressed as ? I am going to be an old lady for Halloween ! LOL!
Are people going out for a Halloween party and what will you be dressed as ? I am going to be an old lady for Halloween ! LOL!

Instead of saying Happy Halloween, where is your apology post to AC's dad? :confused:
The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown


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There was a mother and her two daughters hit by a drunk driver in Salem last night. Whatever your plans today, be aware of your surroundings - have fun but be safe....

There was a mother and her two daughters hit by a drunk driver in Salem last night. Whatever your plans today, be aware of your surroundings - have fun but be safe....

That'a horrible!

My deaf friend, got ran over by car while crossing the street it was her turn to walk. The driver said, they didn't see her because she was wearing dark clothes. She's ok but still sorry to hear this story.
A little boy was stuck trick or treating in Lowell too (and a second child, who was uninjured); the driver circled, spoke to some witnesses and sped off. Thankfully she was arrested and the little boy is doing fine except the gash on his head. The scariest thing about this holiday are the people behind the wheel....
A little boy was stuck trick or treating in Lowell too (and a second child, who was uninjured); the driver circled, spoke to some witnesses and sped off. Thankfully she was arrested and the little boy is doing fine except the gash on his head. The scariest thing about this holiday are the people behind the wheel....
I saw this on the news the woman that hit the child left the accident scene and a witness follow the woman so she could arrested. I took Marty to the park around 3PM today and kids were getting out grade school and the school cross guide stopped the traffic to let some kids run across the street and one little boy came out of where and ran right behind the cross guide and I was like WTH! You don't let the kids run across the kids on their own , the cross guide job is to walk across the street with the kids while holding up their S T O P sign . I couldn't believe what I had just seen.