Happy Birthday gnarlydorkette!


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
Happy Birthday!


What's your plan for today? :thumb:

Last edited:
o/`o/`Happy Belated Birthday to you!o/`o/`
o/`o/`Happy Belated Birthday to you!o/`o/`
o/`o/`Happy Belated Birthday to Gnarlydorkette!o/`o/`
o/`o/`Happy Belated Birthday to you!o/`o/`
hey hey I got excuses for posting late LOL.... Anyway


and hope you had a great :party: two days ago or this weekend ? grins....

gnarlydorkette said:
:slap: :roll: lol, nice try to save your face!

:party: :beer: :party:

thanks, you guys... i think? :wiggle:
Nice try? Look at the date this thread was created! :thumb:
Sorry for forgot to add ur name along with Illustrator. Forgave me.

By the way, Let me say to ya.

:birthday: to ya!
:birthday: to ya!
:birthday: to ya!
:birthday: to Dear Gnarlydorkette

How's ur birthday weekend? Hope u do. :thumb:
gnarly IM soo sorry for being late with ur b day I was SO busy being a mama to my puppy plus getting my new postion as VP in peperations So its like EEK for me right now. So my sincere apologies!

Happy Be Lated birthday and may this yr's b day be as special as always! its not how u age its how u look that makes u younger each year! :D

ONCE again :birthday: