Sorry, CA already has restrictions on firearms( I guess not as bad as NY) and is effectively broke from overpaying public pensions what money they have, they are spending on a bullet train (train to nowhere!) that if ever completed will connect LA to the Bay Area and the peripheral canal that will take a lot of water from the Sacramento River near Sacramento and send it to Southern California. My Brother in Law lives in a U.S. citizen housing development outside of Ensenada, Mexico, most times it takes him over 7 hours to come back into the U.S. do to the border people looking for drugs and illegals trying to cross the border.After I saw your argument, so I’m all for state rights to regulate on guns and border security, so you can tell California to regulate and close all of border with your tax money.
Federal government? Not happen, beside ban on convicted felons, sex offenders and convicted of domestic violence from own the guns, if court declare that you are mentally ill and require to commit to hospital so you can’t buy or own a gun until court said it is OK, so states could impose more restrictive if they want.
Important, don’t mess with our military, especially National Guard, period.
How many mass shootings have they had, since they tightened the rules?My point was that I think their gun laws are far too restrictive.
What's the point of this thread? Can't we Americans get along?
Sorry, CA already has restrictions on firearms( I guess not as bad as NY) and is effectively broke from overpaying public pensions what money they have, they are spending on a bullet train (train to nowhere!) that if ever completed will connect LA to the Bay Area and the peripheral canal that will take a lot of water from the Sacramento River near Sacramento and send it to Southern California. My Brother in Law lives in a U.S. citizen housing development outside of Ensenada, Mexico, most times it takes him over 7 hours to come back into the U.S. do to the border people looking for drugs and illegals trying to cross the border.
How many mass shootings have they had, since they tightened the rules?
What does the North Charleston police shooting have to do with gun control? The officer was arrested, fired and tried. It was a mistrial, so they're going to retry the case. There's no need for citizens to take up arms in this situation.So you better get your gun and get busy because questionable police shootings happen all the time. Here are a few of them.
If you’re a feral hog, don’t mess with Texans.
That’s the lesson learned by a 416-pound wild hog that was killed by an East Texas man after wreaking havoc on his property for the past five years.
A man, Joe Clowers in Union Grove, Texas, killed the hog with an AR-15.
"My property lays between some populated areas and I try to maintain an environment like a sanctuary or nursery for the deer to raise fawns," Clowers told the Houston Chronicle.
Texas is home to the largest feral hog population in the United States, with an estimated 4 million hogs statewide, according to local media, and the animals are increasingly finding their way to developed suburbs.
Joe Clowers of Union Grove, Texas is seen with the massive wild hog that he killed in his backyard. (Gregg County Game Warden)
Along with things like mosquitoes, fire ants, snakes and rats, wild hogs are probably one of the more disliked animals in the Lone Star state.
The hog had been preying on the fawns in the area and Clowers said he always stayed armed when visiting his deer feeders in case the beast charged him.
The departed hog will live on as a trophy mounted on the wall in his home, he added.
“He was the big daddy," Clowers said. "I called him the bush beast.”
you missed my entire point. they still have their guns because people like me and bunch of other people here fought to keep them on our hands.I think deer and elk are as big as they hunt. You missed the point of my post, they still have their guns, Duh!
fish in a barrel? hunting from a helicopter? you clearly have no idea what you're talking aboutHunting from a helicopter, now that is truly sporting of them, talking about fish in a barrel! I personally would even consider it to be cruel and inhumane.
since they tightened the rules... people sacrificed their rights, liberty, and massive tax dollars for the sake of security. you like??? I don't and I refuse to live in anywhere in NY/NYC and I refuse to pay their exorbitant income taxes.How many mass shootings have they had, since they tightened the rules?
huh? I'm sorry I don't understand. changed over the years? nothing changed. it remains the same. you are confused.But please enlighten me, because it has changed over the years.
Is that why it's a nanny state? NYC especially, wants to regulate the size of drinking cups, has mandatory "meatless Mondays" in schools, and other lifestyle restrictions. Can't New Yorkers be trusted to do anything?NY has always been above the curve in many matters regarding the safety and wellbeing of it's citizens....
Thank you Michael Bloomberg! It's not just in NY, other states are doing many of the same things. As i said NY is above the curve!Is that why it's a nanny state? NYC especially, wants to regulate the size of drinking cups, has mandatory "meatless Mondays" in schools, and other lifestyle restrictions. Can't New Yorkers be trusted to do anything?
Go back and look at some of the liberal court decisions.huh? I'm sorry I don't understand. changed over the years? nothing changed. it remains the same. you are confused.
Chicago's gun ban law = unconstitutional and overturned -
DC's gun restriction law = unconstitutional and overturned -
Congressman has proposed a new federal legislation called SAGA - Second Amendment Guarantee Act. It passed.. it would prevent all states, cities, etc. to enforce their own gun laws stricter than federal gun laws -{"search":["Chris+Collins"]}
I'm sure the state of NY would say a heart felt thank you! I do agree with you on their taxes though, they are exorbitant!since they tightened the rules... people sacrificed their rights, liberty, and massive tax dollars for the sake of security. you like??? I don't and I refuse to live in anywhere in NY/NYC and I refuse to pay their exorbitant income taxes.
Absolutely, I've seen it first hand, but from a helicopter, as long as they don't just let the carcas rot where they dropped it, they could feed a lot of homeless or hungry people with missed my entire point. they still have their guns because people like me and bunch of other people here fought to keep them on our hands.
fish in a barrel? hunting from a helicopter? you clearly have no idea what you're talking about
do you have any idea what kind of damage wild hogs do to our environment?
you missed my entire point. they still have their guns because people like me and bunch of other people here fought to keep them on our hands.?
Your link didn't open.
Maybe reading Jiro's post would have helped you understand.What does the North Charleston police shooting have to do with gun control? The officer was arrested, fired and tried. It was a mistrial, so they're going to retry the case. There's no need for citizens to take up arms in this situation.
THAT!!! Gun debates are tiresome.
Why are you whining about this matter to me? Do you want me to take you to emergency room? Need to see a therapist?
If I meet you in person so you would be angry, liberal, white man.
I love California, no matter about how bad are issues with state, also most states have same issue.