Gov. Bentley Has Become A Costly Distraction. He Must Resign.

Reminds me of what my state went thru with former-governor Mark Sanford. It was ugly. He should have resigned but he didn't. He stayed to the bitter end of his term. To me, that was arrogance.

I hope your state doesn't have to go thru that.
Reminds me of what my state went thru with former-governor Mark Sanford. It was ugly. He should have resigned but he didn't. He stayed to the bitter end of his term. To me, that was arrogance.

I hope your state doesn't have to go thru that.

Yes, Alabama had previous corruptions that lead to resignation in 1990s. Don Siegelman is currently in prison and Harold Guy Hunt resigned from office. George Wallace had long history of abuses as well. The impeachment could be first time in state history. There were several lawmakers arrested on corruption charges over lottery and some of them broke state ethic laws.

Now, lawmakers want to weaken the ethnic laws. That why I dislike my state very much, also I saw many Alabamians bashed Bentley and Mike Hubbard over on FB.
I recalled about Don Siegelman want all schools in Alabama to start in July instead of August but it didn't well in state legislature. I was planning about transfer to MSSD if in case, school in Alabama start in July. It will put out of sync with other deaf schools for sport games.