Got a quick question for Deaf parent...


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2007
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Ok, Deaf parent..

I had a hearing acquaintance and she knows ASL, but not fluently. She forgot some of the signs because her mother in law died a year ago. Anyway, she mentioned her husband only knows a few signs and ABCs. She kept making remarks that my (CODA) son will end up like her husband that my son will be learning a few basic signs and ABCs and he will never be fluent. I had an urge to tell her that I don't appreciate her remarks and she keeps comparing her husband with my son. I don't know where she got her idea from except from her personal experience.

Would you tell her that she doesn't know what she was talking about or just keep ignoring her remarks politely??
A hearing woman who I didn't like told me that if I had a baby it would be hoh like me. We didn't like one another , I just let her remarks roll off my back . The woman wanted my baby to be deaf b/c she didn't like me , my daughter hearing is fine .The ironic thing is the woman's grandchild was born deaf . It like looks her karma came back and bite her in the butt. She wish for me to have a deaf baby and she had a deaf grandchild. I would just let it go , the person is not worth losing sleep over , I sure didn't with that bitch I knew.
Tell her not to talk about your boy. Its not of her bussiness. point to the window or door, either one is fine for her to leave from.but you prefer window...
I didn't have chance to reply back to your posts. I was waaaay busy in real world.

What I am going to do is that I am going to prove her wrong that my son will be fluent in ASL. And she will realize she is wrong. That's my plan.
I didn't have chance to reply back to your posts. I was waaaay busy in real world.

What I am going to do is that I am going to prove her wrong that my son will be fluent in ASL. And she will realize she is wrong. That's my plan.

You can do that if she being rude.... prove her wrong. So she can keep her mouth shut or you tell her she just like her husband signed crap too. if she don't like that you say to her, then you tell her stop comparing her husband to your son... she is one of them.
That woman's ignorant remark is a very harsh generalization. Her husband's signing ability has no reason to be compared to your coda son's signing ability. If your son is around sign language and uses it every day, I'm sure he will be fluent. I understand that some codas feel pressured to be in the hearing world, so they turn their back on the Deaf world, but that doesn't always happen. I'm sure your son will use sign language to communicate with you, learn a lot, and keep that information stored in his brain.

Tell that woman she doesn't know what she's talking about. She is not the boy's mother, you are. Explain that her comment was uncalled for and you do not appreciate her criticism. Do your best to ignore her negative attitude. You have a healthy son who will learn you language and English.
I'd tell "Ms. Thinks She Knows It All" to kiss me where the sun don't shine....Just another example of a hearie believing she knows more than a deafie....As far as "proving" to her...I wouldn't waste my time on a petty thing like this....Flip the Ms Know It All...Off....If that don't shut her up, then ignore her.
This is something I think everyone here has in common. You have people in the world that are just naive and don't mean any harm. I`m usually not offended by them because they just don't understand. You also have people that are just plain stupid. They say stupid things without giving it any thought. Most of these people are racist, homophobic, and sexist. There was a team leader I work with that ranted on Facebook once a bunch of racist nonsense. Of course it caused him a lot of problems at work. He also offended me on many occasions. He used to talk to me and hold his hand up like he was doing sign language. I told him off at one of our meeting and funny thing is a lot of my black co workers were so proud of me. A good friend of mine out there who is black were talking and he realized i put up with the same discrimination and crap that he has had to put up with. He said even more so. When The idiot was racist my friend realized he could talk to others about it, but there was no deaf people out there to "talk shop with". But he understood. This parent of yours falls into the idiot category. There is no backing up her claims. Pure stupidity! I would tell her. My belief is always let the offensive know that they are not appreciated. As far as proving her wrong it`s going to be up to your son how much he wants to progress. no one else. You can motivate him and inspire him but at the end he will do it or not regardless of what anyone or any idiot has to say.