Giulia, SSD and will babysitt a 8 yo hoh child


New Member
Mar 10, 2008
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My name is Giulia and I am 22 years old. I'm French. I am Single Sided Deaf (SSD). I have learnt English partly at school, partly with my step mother (dad's second wife) so sorry for my English mistakes.
So I will babysitt a hoh 8 yo girl. I'd like to learn FSL (French Sign Language, I think I have created this sigle on the ASL model ;)) but the problem is.... money, since I am only a young student in Italian.
I hope to find good advice to take care of the little girl.

Thanks in advance
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Hope you enjoy lots of thread and do posting here. We will try to help you taking care of your little girl while her parents are away for a while. So enjoy and chat with us. See you around. :wave:
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Good to see that you're learning the English and AD'ers will gladly help in any way with any possible mistakes or not understanding something written here in AD. Wishes you luck and success with learning the FSL also. Nice of you to be watching and caring for a HoH girl. In the meantime, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! :)

Thanks for your welcome words :) Unfortunately, the child's mother called me the same morning to tell me they don't want to try with me :(

Welcome to You join the
Enjoy your stay. Have a FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your welcome words :) Unfortunately, the child's mother called me the same morning to tell me they don't want to try with me :(

Oh, no. AWWW. I am sorry that you could not get the job of taking care of the mother's child. Well, don't worry I hope you find another job working with deaf child or children who may be able to communicate with you better than hearing children. :dunno: Just have to wait and see. Take one day at a time and who knows you will be able to find a job like that. Good luck and still want you to welcome here on the AllDeaf forum. See you around. :hug:
Thanks for your welcome words :) Unfortunately, the child's mother called me the same morning to tell me they don't want to try with me :(

Oh, I am sorry to hear that Giulia. Please don't give up, though. Keep posting your ad. Someone will take you up on your offer, I'm sure.