Girl, Age 9, Walks Into Police Station, Turns In Her Parents

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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A 9-year-old Minnesota girl walked into a Barnesville police station and turned in her pothead parents because she said the marijuana smoke in her home was making her sick.

She told police her parents were growing and selling marijuana and that she was worried her dogs would get sick too.

When authorities searched her home, they found seven marijuana plants growing under the house, the Minnesota Star Tribune reported. They also found paraphernalia and a substance that field-tested positive for meth.

The girl will be staying with her grandparents while her parents are under investigation. Officer Ryan Beattie called her a “very brave, very smart, very articulate little girl.”

“It was almost like interviewing an adult,” Beattie said. “She appeared to have intelligence far above a normal little girl … [and] she gave some pretty specific information about things, like types of drug paraphernalia, that no young person ought to have knowledge about.”

Charges against the couple, who were not identified, are pending the results of lab tests.

A separate investigation by Child Protective Services is underway.
I am glad the girl was able to move in with her grandparents but what about the poor dog , what happen to it? :(
I am glad the girl was able to move in with her grandparents but what about the poor dog , what happen to it? :(

Police officers are humane. I'm sure they took cautions to ensure that the dogs ended up somewhere safe. Even if it's a shelter for now - many are no-kill shelters these days.
Wee litte RAT!!


Her own blood..... as a RAT is full of of luck to the wee one....
Police officers are humane. I'm sure they took cautions to ensure that the dogs ended up somewhere safe. Even if it's a shelter for now - many are no-kill shelters these days.

Once your in custody...your dogs if you dont or cant make arrangments, are also taken. To kenel, pound ect....

Your laywer usually is the one who mskes the arrangmwnts for their safety and care, until you make bail, beat the charges, or finish your stretch.....
Wee litte RAT!!


Her own blood..... as a RAT is full of of luck to the wee one....
Well, her own blood sure didn't care about what happened to her. They're now having to face the consequences of their actions. :roll:

The girl is not a rat seeking retribution or reward; she was an endangered child seeking help.
Well, her own blood sure didn't care about what happened to her. They're now having to face the consequences of their actions. :roll:

The girl is not a rat seeking retribution or reward; she was an endangered child seeking help.

That is certainly one way to look at it
Another is
This kid ratted out her very own, which is a fact.
It sucks..becauseat her age she has no idea of the conseuences,
All for what?

Once your in custody...your dogs if you dont or cant make arrangments, are also taken. To kenel, pound ect....

Your laywer usually is the one who mskes the arrangmwnts for their safety and care, until you make bail, beat the charges, or finish your stretch.....

That is exactly what I said - that the police would ensure their safety, if even to a shelter.

Things may be different up in Canada than here. Your last number of posts are bitterly criticizing the U.S. for how things are done here - feeling bitter on your jail time in the U.S. ?

That is certainly one way to look at it
Another is
This kid ratted out her very own, which is a fact.
It sucks..becauseat her age she has no idea of the conseuences,
All for what?


They found meth there too.

So.. you'd rather she keep quiet while possibly endangering herself and also quite possibly losing her own parents due to their behaviors. Perhaps with help the parents will at least keep the meth out of their home and away from the kid.

To each their own.

That is certainly one way to look at it
Another is
This kid ratted out her very own, which is a fact.
It sucks..becauseat her age she has no idea of the conseuences,
All for what?

Let's see--two adults endangering a young child, who is "their very own blood" get a pass, but the little girl is called a rat. :hmm:

At the girl's age maybe she doesn't know the consequences. So, what's her parents' excuse? Aren't they old enough to know about consequences?

All for pot? Well, apparently the parents thought that pot (and meth) was more important than their child.

They're the ones who made their choices--now they will have to live with that.
Drugs are not to be made or done around children....PERIOD!....Children are also taught in schools to "Say No to Drugs!"....

I don't regret turning in my own brother for dealing and using Heroin....don't feel I'm a RAT either! He got the help he needed after serving 5 years in prison....

These Parents were the lowest of the Low for using Pot and Meth around this little girl...I hope they get prison time!
Let's see--two adults endangering a young child, who is "their very own blood" get a pass, but the little girl is called a rat. :hmm:

At the girl's age maybe she doesn't know the consequences. So, what's her parents' excuse? Aren't they old enough to know about consequences?

All for pot? Well, apparently the parents thought that pot (and meth) was more important than their child.

They're the ones who made their choices--now they will have to live with that.

Yeah and the parents put their child at risk of being taken away by DCF and put in a foster home and that can sometime be worst than living at home.
I am surprise no one notice the smell of pot on the child clothes and hair , if her parents were smoking that much everything had to smell of pot.

That is certainly one way to look at it
Another is
This kid ratted out her very own, which is a fact.
It sucks..becauseat her age she has no idea of the conseuences,
All for what?


That's good . Who needs families who are generations of criminals?

I often wish I had done the same for my severely abusive parents. I'm almost not human. This kid will get a chance.

That is certainly one way to look at it
Another is
This kid ratted out her very own, which is a fact.
It sucks..becauseat her age she has no idea of the conseuences,
All for what?


They were making Meth. I am glad she told the police because Meth making is hazard to health.
That is exactly what I said - that the police would ensure their safety, if even to a shelter.

Things may be different up in Canada than here. Your last number of posts are bitterly criticizing the U.S. for how things are done here - feeling bitter on your jail time in the U.S. ?

Nah.....not bitter at that, im at peace with it, and have grown as a man and a person in spite of it,and i have allot of failings as a man and a person to still overcome..

I love america. And spent allot of my life looking at her right now... the border is a mere block away......but ill never legally be there again...

Its the you can look but never touch again thing now...

My criticism in the pee pee posts, was more to lame ideas being pushed and accepted. Not so much the old america, perhaps a little of the new..

But the new america has allot of good things too....lgbtqa rights is one, the attemptat universal health care another...

But turning kids into rats against their own family, over something like pot, is in my eyes a very cancerous thing..and nothing at all good for a healthy society long term

Think it through.
This kid turns her very own blood in....
It begs the question if she can turn her very own blood in, later how easly will she be to turn her own countrymen in, or very own country. Or who ever, she gave up her family over pot..
(Shakes head)

Once any idea of loyalty to famlly is tossed, she will be easy picking..its an ugly fallen world, i doubt this rat will stand a chance...

Its my opinion..
They were making Meth. I am glad she told the police because Meth making is hazard to health.
Agreed, meth is very dangerous shyt, could've blow up house, that's where they put kids and everybody in danger, I'm not worried about weeds, it's meth that concerns me.
Yeah and the parents put their child at risk of being taken away by DCF and put in a foster home and that can sometime be worst than living at home.
I am surprise no one notice the smell of pot on the child clothes and hair , if her parents were smoking that much everything had to smell of pot.

DOJ shot down scent as probable cause, so cops can't simply use scent as probable cause, due to the fact that there's scent out there that's similar as weeds.
It normally takes good parenting to bring 9yr up be that articulate or maybe a granny or grandad had well schooled her before hand if that the case I would think a lot would be inadmissible or if she is that clever then law would not break up the family.Something odd about it.It not right she should know so much about this sort of thing but parents not exactly growing a farm yard on industrial scales.What is gained breaking up a family for 7 pot plants if on other hand child been cruelty treated than parents need punishment.
It normally takes good parenting to bring 9yr up be that articulate or maybe a granny or grandad had well schooled her before hand if that the case I would think a lot would be inadmissible or if she is that clever then law would not break up the family.Something odd about it.It not right she should know so much about this sort of thing but parents not exactly growing a farm yard on industrial scales.What is gained breaking up a family for 7 pot plants if on other hand child been cruelty treated than parents need punishment.

Pot isn't the issue, it's Meth that's seriously an issue. U wouldn't want to be near meth as it does contamines everywhere as poison, far worse than pot. Also once one gets taste of Meth, it's over, almost impossible to recover.
To the police both pot and meth is an issues , and even through the parents used very poor judgment in doing this around their child wouldn't mean their child wasn't well care for and got a good education . I think that is one gusty little girl , I would love to hear the outcome of this.

RR did you see this on the news first , I haven't heard about until you posted it.
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