GEEZ Tiger with Horse HUH!! Not match!!


Lets ride horses!
Premium Member
Aug 10, 2006
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Got email from friend.........

:shock: I don't find it entertaining myself! :eek: This is crazy! :crazy: But Good thing... That tiger seems as thought the horse is wearing armor and thankfully the horse's has protected from the claws too but still stupid! :stupid:

Of course I won't allow my horse rosie with Tiger! My Rosie will freak out! :eek::giggle:

Check out here.....

YouTube - Tiger on horse
They may be trained since both were young? :dunno:

I understand how you feel Phillip..about your belove pretty horse.

I wouldn't either since it could be a risk! :eek3:
Oh wow must be the guy training them when they were little till grow to get used ? :dunno:

for me for real in a person I would not let like that no thanks :)
Poor horsey and tigers. I wouldnt dare to let them go thru like that. It is not natrual. I rather see them become friend by natural.