I know it is hard enough to find a relationship in our family. How difficult is it to find another Deaf person who is gay, that you want to be with and visa versa? Have you dated mostly hearing or is it a mix? Which would you perfer if any?
If you were here at NTID, you would find a deaf GLBT at every corner.
Don't despair, Spacey. It'll happen for you eventually!
Of course, have you ever heard of the expression "A watched pot never boils"? My experience has been that when I've really wanted a boyfriend, I always had trouble finding "the one"... but when I WASN'T looking (and was already "taken"), men were coming out of the woodwork, it seemed!
Love is strange.
Heya all
I'm bi, but am into guys more.
FYI, it's extremely difficult finding a guy that best suits your needs and wants. I'm *very* picky nowadays after being fucked over too many times (long story). It'd be a HELLA nicer if I'd find a guy that is close to my age, is cute (hot guys are a PLUS), smart, single/available and looking, and deaf/hard-of-hearing.
However, finding those types of guys I described is so difficult that I gave up on the deaf part and went for hearing guys (I can talk with my voice, anyway). If, and I emphasize, *IF* I happen to find a guy who's single, cute, age-approximate, smart, and deaf, I'd just drop the hearing guys like dead bugs.
I'm a {Network Administration with IT appended} major so I know a lot about computers/servers, and I also know the English language so well that I can call English my first language simply because I grew up orally. It'd be fanstastic if there is at least ONE decent guy around that knows English and computers.
I realize that my post does sound extremely picky indeed, but there are obvious reasons behind it.
What if the guy meets ALL your needs but is overweight and ugly? Still no go for u?
Ahem, I think you know the answer to that already.
(For those who have poor critical thinking skills, the answer is hell no.)
Ok good luck with your pursuit for that perfect man!
Southern, the original poster of this thread, is cute though. I'd date him.
Yea I agree...there are a a few other ADers that have a crush on him. LOL!
Too bad I won't be around. Heh!