Gay AND Christian?


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Jul 29, 2004
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"God loved the world so much, that Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, was freely given, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Yes, it's true! Gays have been likened to the lepers of our day, but just as Jesus reached out and touched the lepers when all others rejected them, so Jesus reaches out and touches we gays today, to explain to us that we are loved UNCONDITIONALLY by God, just as we are, just as we were created. God doesn't make mistakes and He does not require us to become straight!

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." Jer. 1:5a

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart." Jer.29:11-13

If you are wondering how it is possible to be both gay and Christian, it will take much reading and prayer on your part to understand the errors of contemporary teaching of Christianity and homosexuality, but God says:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God," Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

The answers are there for you to find. Do not shy away from the Bible. It is the Good News for ALL, but the "clobber verses" used against us have been grossly misinterpreted, and taken out of context and culture of their day.

Search the Education links. Read the Articles. Learn the TRUTH of God's Holy inerrant Word. Search Scripture and allow your mind to grasp the Truth of the Original Scriptures, not the Translations. Read the "Think We're Wrong?" pages. There is more information in Tidbits, Hope, News, etc. It is all Good News for Gays!

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
- II Tim. 3:16

Here you will find music by Marsha Stevens who has been described in the March 17, 1999 issue of Christian Century as "a nightmare for conservative Christians: she is a Jesus-loving, Bible-believing, God-fearing, lesbian Christian."

You will also find books about, by and for gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered people who love the Lord, as well as many rainbow pride products.
Yes, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gay people can be Christians! There IS debate in MAINLINE deominations, (MAINLINE....NOT nutty culty churches) over whether or not God sees it as a sin. I mean it's not something like incest, rape, murder, lying, theiviery, or other obvious sins. It's more an ambigious sin. Nobody argues that things like incest, rape, murder etc aren't sins. But the thing is different Christian deominations see sin differently......Some Christians see dancing as a sin, some see drinking as a sin, some see movies as a sin, some see women wearing pants as evil (eg Pentecostals, some VERY strict Baptist churches) and so on. This is the type of "sin" that homosexuality is.
An ambigious one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are tons and tons and tons of support groups for gay the deonomination, and there's a support group for them. There's even a support group for conservative gay Christians! There is even a "gay" friendly church.
I've gone through struggling with my sexuality. I can vividly remember the exact second I realized I liked girls, and how scared I was. I felt like I had failed God. But, then I realized, that God is love. Love is what I felt for my first girlfriend, and for Dani, and Jocelyn and a lot of other people. I'm bi, and have been with both boys and girls. The love is the same. It's just the outer covering that's different.....and that shouldn't matter. If skin color doesn't matter, then genitals shouldn't matter either. Looking at someone on the outside is a very superfical way of looking at people!
I don't usually read this forum because I can't personally relate--but when I saw the title of this thread I had to comment.

I think one can be gay and be Christian. I'm not sure that it is a sin. But even if it is, let me put it this way: if I can be as temperamental towards other people as I sometimes am (I'm not proud of it but it's the honest truth about me), and still be a Christian at the end of the day, then certainly one can be gay and be Christian.
There are worse "sins" than being gay. What about whoremongers, sorcerors and idolators? We will see the First of the Ten Commandments broken on the 4th of July when we put our country (USA) and "things" in front of God.
Thank you Pek......I appreciate that coming from someone who's a conservative. One thing I don't get is that so often we are lumped in with the absolute worst scum. B/c I am gay I am lumped in with rapists, murderers,serial killers, etc. We GLBers are not the spawn of Satan. we simply are NORMAL sinners, just like hetroeseuxal people. Homosexuality might be a sin.....then again it might not. Just like women wearing pants might be a sin, or then again it might not! Just like interracial marriage might be a sin, but then again it might not! Just like any countless number of things might be a sin or they might not!
One of my friend is a guy that he is gay and he is christian .. but now he is not christian anymore as he told me. :)
There is a few christian churches who accepts gays into their congretations. One is a name I forgot but its well known as gay church and it starts with Metro.... Another is Espociscal (Sp??) church--same one who accepts women as pastors. Something to check out.
sillycat said:
There is a few christian churches who accepts gays into their congretations. One is a name I forgot but its well known as gay church and it starts with Metro.... Another is Espociscal (Sp??) church--same one who accepts women as pastors. Something to check out.

You are probably thinking of Metropolitian Community Church (also known as MCC).
pek1 said:
There are worse "sins" than being gay. What about whoremongers, sorcerors and idolators? We will see the First of the Ten Commandments broken on the 4th of July when we put our country (USA) and "things" in front of God.


That's not how I regard the Fourth of July. Having a sense of our history doesn't mean dismissing God. :(
I have nothing against gays and lesbians...
As far as I know most of them were born this way.
I do believe that God makes them this way....
We all should not judge them ..
We all are born sinners and die sinners...

Thank you, DarkAngel, for posting this. I happen to agree that one can be both gay and a Christian. I believe God loves all of us, and he made each and everyone of us unique. I would love to see more mainstream Christians embrace gays, but I might be dreaming. I'm realistic. It'll be a long time before gays are accepted in this country, and I find that very sad.
On the other hand OB, we've come a long long way from GLB people being demonized as psychotic serial killers, ala Alieen Wurnoes and Jeffery Dahmher. Give us a few years, and I would bet you that most people will see GLB folks as just people!
deafdyke said:
On the other hand OB, we've come a long long way from GLB people being demonized as psychotic serial killers, ala Alieen Wurnoes and Jeffery Dahmher. Give us a few years, and I would bet you that most people will see GLB folks as just people!

I agree that it'll happen in time, but I think we're looking at a ways off before it does.

Just being realistic.
There's a number of Christian denominations that accept gays and lesbians, the Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ and the Metropolitan Community Church among them. One can certainly be a Christian and be gay.
Intz AD about religious around gay n lesbian ppl.. well I do believe in GOD cant judge us all... same as color skins of human beings and all that...Im Christian myself and do love God in my heart no matter what.. some ppl dont show respect and dont understand it.. screw em ! all u do is stick with ur happiness lifestyle no matter who u are.. Show RESPECT N LOVE :)
Saying you cant be gay and christian is like saying you can be an adulter and be christian, or you cant say god damn and be christian.

The bible says all people are sinners right, and those people are still christian.

You can sin and still be christian. You can be an adulter, a whore, a liar, a theif, a murderer, but still be christian.
Your Mom said:
Saying you cant be gay and christian is like saying you can be an adulter and be christian, or you cant say god damn and be christian.

The bible says all people are sinners right, and those people are still christian.

You can sin and still be christian. You can be an adulter, a whore, a liar, a theif, a murderer, but still be christian.

True. :gpost:

Bottom line is...

We're all who we are, and it's time people are accepted as such.
Amen, I do! Thank you for sharing this because it is hard for people to accepted who we are.....