Set a goal of what major you want to study. And keep it simple as 4 years plan of study. Declare your major by 2nd year, then start taking your major early and that way when you are 4th year and you will have easier time to get the general requirement.
That what I did. I declared my major in Recreation: Leadership and Programming at Gallaudet in 3rd semester and graduated 4 years with two summer internship. I attended Gallaudet Fall 2001 to May 2005. Graduated and was debt free of no student loans because I worked during there. I graduated with 129 credit hours, when the requirement was 124. My major was two top major with most credit hours required compared to many majors.
Make sure keep your years at Gallaudet 4 years and you will save A LOT of $$$$ on student loans.
TRY AVOID over 5 years plan. Finish school within 4-5 years. Recommend 4 years. You will be glad you did finish in 4 years than 5+ years.
When you finish 4 years, please contact me for job! I wanna see your resume!
Hey scottw, I'm going to Gallaudet this fall too! I'm sure I'll bump into you on the campus! Go Bisons! 2012 Rocks!
Well, I have SSI, SSDI. So, I fill Pell Grant, Scholarship and work study in Gallaudet. I have no idea what I gonna do. Financial Aid know about me. Hope that I help better to enough money.
So, what I want are BA and Master degree. That what I want. You recent that I tell you that my major is math Education or other? I don't know.
SSI is good source of money to pay of your tuitions. That what I did too. I used SSI and worked on campus to pay for my room/board and tuitions. After graduation, got full time job. I closed my case with SSI. Ever since, I have been earning more than what SSI offers.
Try, or any scholarship website you can find. Fill out as many as you can. You rather to have school paid off and you will be happy. Student loans do hurt us more in the real world after graduation. So its better to keep student loan minimal. That way you can set your grounds stronger and have good launch into real world.