G day mates


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
this is in per request of Waterrats13 due to a glitch of some sort in either AD or server itself WaterRats13 is unable to log in at this time the two posting i made in current events is creidted to her as SHE s the one requesting me to post in there, She will be back SOON she promises, and I too am going to help her out a bit til she's able to log in and not feel deprived as AD is addicting as u can see she right now has a AD withdrawal LOL!, but she ll be back!!!!!!!! Hey WaterRats don t go :dizzy: and :wiggle: and :eek2: and hope u stay warm out of those :cold: weather come back or i ll :squint: you! LOL! love to u ! :ily:
Thanks Java...I've gotten this sorted out...

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