fundraiser for the Ddeaf/hoh


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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I am holding a fundraiser at the club I work at in the near future for the Ottawa Deaf Centre. I need to know what I need to think of as far as everythig goes with setting etc. I am getting some of the lighting settings changed so that they don't get too dark at any given time of the night. I am going to ask members of the ODC who are hearing or hoh and can hear better to be able to terp if need be to order drinks and at the door and such. I'm not sure what else I should consider though. If anyone could please put your input in that would be great! thanks:)
No good ideas from me, but I think it is great you are doing that! :)
thanks..we have fundraisers all the time for stuff and my managers loved the one i did for cheerleading cuz i brought in a lottt of ppl also i figure i can raise them a lot of money for deaf events in the future and funding and stuff like that..i'm also going to raise money for cancer at this hope beach volleyball event and be on the ottawa deaf centre team..even tho i stink at volleyball!!