I will tell you that when they insisted on an IQ test when my daughter was 6 and I asked them to show me WHERE in the regulations it says the only way to qualify is an IQ test they backed down. Alternative tests can be used even with LD's. A high functioning child can be tested by alternative means to. And parents should research and push for testing that is relivant to the child.
The IEP as a whole is all important. The information to set goals and objectives is based on PLOP and the testing data that is available, ongoing assessments etc. We try to work on her weaknesses while pushing on with her strengths. Good testing data can help any child with any disorder/disablity, IQ's are not good testing data since they ususally are conducted in a couple hrs on one day and if the child is having a bad day the data is way off. But unfortunately parents don't learn enough about the process, though the internet is helping with that.
I have to say that the current team is really very good and we do wish we had moved her from her home district into her current setting sooner, so I would say to parents who aren't happy with where the child is to go and research the options and come up with a better solution. Parents do know their child best. Will the screw up at times, sure but that's life. One thing my internet buddies always stressed was an
IEP meeting can be called at any time. I do know many schools (including my child's former one) try to say that no they only have to have an anunal meeting but we worked that out with our school....paper trails can work wonders. (that's a hint for those of you parents just beginning...you should always keep notes even notes from phone calls regarding IEP issues, send letters with copies to yourself and etc...it will help you if you need to go to due process, do not rely on the school staff they have a boss to answer to no matter how nice and supportive they may be)