From Wales, UK - Hello!


New Member
May 29, 2014
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I'm a 39yo male who has had hearing problems his entire life. Born with loss in one ear, a school teacher discovered I had learned to lipread. Recently had a mastoid operation to remove a cholesteatoma, and just waiting on hearing tests to now have hearing aids for both ears.

Taken me a long time to accept my hearing loss, but now I am starting to embrace it as part of who I am. :wave:

Oh, and I have permanent tinnitus too :roll:

I'm looking to learn BSL with my local deaf club and an evening school, as my skills are pretty rubbish at the moment.
Glad you have such a positive view of being HOH...It took me YEARS to come to terms with it....and I was BORN that way....Sucks about the tintittuas though!
well, it did take me *ahem* 30-odd years to come to terms with it, but it's good when you do.

I'm now starting to become more forthcoming by asking people to respond, by working on coping strategies, etc. No longer will I suffer the 'never mind, it's not important', and all the negative feelings that this causes.