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Apr 15, 2008
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Last night, I just google to find any deaf people use Apple iPhone, ATT Tilt and Sprint Mogul. Found this forum.

I am from New Jersey. Grew up at W&E Martin School for the deaf in Phila. They did not allow sign language. When, I was teenager. Transfer to MSSD. Then, I went to college in Seattle then NTID/RIT then went to Italy for few months then come back to New Jersey.
Hi and :welcome: to AD! Hope to see you around and enjoy yourself browsing & posting in the threads of interest. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
Grew up at W&E Martin School for the deaf in Phila. They did not allow sign language.

Welcome. Alex, AllDeaf's administrator, is a New Jersey guy.

Forbidding sign language reminds me of the dark ages of the English language. After the Normans invaded England in 1066, the English tongue was outlawed. If you didn't speak French, you lost your tongue . . . sometimes your life, so English went underground for about 250 years.

I'll bet students still used ASL at W&E Martin, right? Just not when the suits were watching.
I'll bet students still used ASL at W&E Martin, right? Just not when the suits were watching.

That's our time, none of students were skill in ASL in our classmate. They had very few students have deaf parents. I never see anyone had skill in ASL at Martin School. I do not know why deaf parents sent kid to Martin instead Pa School for the Deaf.

Yes, some kids tried to teach me how to fingerspelling. I refused to learn because that I was afraid that teacher catch us to use fingerspelling or gesture. They used wood stick hit my hands.

Went to MSSD. They changed my life. Sign language helped me understand everything better than oral. Sign Language gave me better education.

About 20 years ago, one person (former W&E Martin) asked me reunion at somewhere in Phila. I still refuse to attend Reunion because cost of my education.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. That is sad when many deaf people in New Jersey have to suffer under the French and English too. That is no way to treat people with no respect to people who are different. I am glad that times have change after a long suffering for 250 years. All of us, Native Americans, have suffered from mistreatment and abuse from white people for more than 500 years, so you are not alone. People seem to like violence more than peace and harmony. So what gives? **puzzle** See you around. :wave: