Found out somethin' new....


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
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Yesterday I stopped by the church to talk with the music minister and we got to talking about ASL and using it in worship services, turns out there is in fact one Deaf woman who comes to our church everyonce in a while and there is probably a chance she will be back sometime this year.

She is oral Deaf and she had a two day conference about Women On Mission or Women's Discovery Weekend whatever it is called and she is quite respected among our church members and I am like WOW, now I feel more confident about coming out with my HOH/Deafness to more members after the 4th of July play.

The music minister also asked me to sign "Here I am to Worship" on July 8th as a way to get the church to open up a bit with their worship, because alot of the older folks think it is wrong to raise their hands in worship (not that I do, but still.) and to show there is more than one way to worship, and the fact that alot of hearies like to see the sign because it makes the song 'come alive' for them.

I really had no plans to get deeply involved with the church, but here I am, a bit overly involved for what I had originally planned, but so far I am not over stretched.