For Moms.......


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I have a several questions for you guys since I am a mom to be....

1) Since I don't drive, and my water breaks but no ride..what should I do since the hospital is 20 mintues away from where I live and my doctor works there??

2) How will I know if I am in early labor? Or is it just Braxton-Hicks (sp) contracts?

3) What causes the baby to be premature? My friend has her baby 2 months early and he's in the hospital right now cuz he's 3 lbs... the doctor tried to stop early labor but couldnt.

Any more informations would be welcomed!!! Thanks for listening! :)
What would you do? You can contact your boyfriend, your parents, or relatives --neighbor who would be able to take you to the hospital-- or there is other option -- to call ambulance to come and get you..

How do you know if you are having a labor -- like you have a contraction --if its less 3-5 mins -- that means you might be ready any time.'

What causes the baby to be premature? It depends --one of my friend who had a less water in her womb -- she had to get her baby out of her belly 2 months early. Twins, triples, quads, and etc -- they will have to give their bab(ies) a birth approx 2 months early because they dont have any enough room for them to grow for other 2 months.

There are some more -- many lists
If you think you're in labor, call 911 and go by rescue. If the baby comes, they have all the equipment and training to deliver the baby.
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Oh believe me u will know when u are ready to have the baby.. I have been through the same thing same questions like how do i know when i have the contractions.. its differnt than feeling ur normal pains at 9mons.. but.. the contractions are really strong and they usually comes in mins apart and u wont be able to walk or do anything for a few mins and then it will stop and go again another few mins.. or if ur water breaks some will flush alittle at a time some flush all at one time...or if u are bleeding u would need to call 911 or page ur boyfriend/ husband... I do know that the Ambulance will take u where u are suppose to have ur baby at... Good luck...!.. Hope everything goes out smooth for you *smile*.. and by the way premature can happen for alot of reasons... make sure u have alot of rest with ur feet up with the pillows under ur feet... that would help make u relax more.
eternity said:
What causes the baby to be premature? It depends --one of my friend who had a less water in her womb -- she had to get her baby out of her belly 2 months early. Twins, triples, quads, and etc -- they will have to give their bab(ies) a birth approx 2 months early because they dont have any enough room for them to grow for other 2 months.

That is not true.. I am a twin and my mother carried me to full terms.. Premature happens for alot of reasons not because of twins or quads or triples....
Premature usually happens to babies of more than twins. Twins usually get through full terms.

You should also check with your ambulance or 911 operator. Ask them how long it would take to get to your house. I'm sure they could check their records to see if they've been to the area and give you better numbers. You could probably see if you could have your name on their "watch list" if they ever had one... so they would know what to expect of you ever called them.

Also, be sure to keep yourself relaxed most of the time. Sometimes, being too active could cause the babies to be premature.
well in my own experience... contracts only happens like once every hour.. then u'll know it's comming soon.. it it happens every 5 min or 10 min.. then u know it's time... to go to hosiptal.. believe me you'll know when u're ready to go.. have jeremy take u.. call his work if he's at work.. birth normally don't happen right away.. if water's broke.. u still have some time.. but it makes the baby unable to breath inside ur tummy.

premature can be many factors... mothers who smoke can cause premature birth, too many to list :P
First of all, premature can happen to any mothers even tho, having twins, triplets so forth.. but common in premature is one baby.. depends on mother's health--- genes---complications pregnancy---using drugs or drinking---or unknown... anyways...

when I had Allen... my man was stuck in MD... and other reasons.. So, I asked around my friends & relatives to make sure they are available on that week or that month.. to ask for back-up.. even your neighbor too... but I recommend you if you are really in labor (hard-tight-painful-plug or leak).. call 911, if you arent sure but feel tightness (contraction) and couldnt find ride, can call non emergency police to see if they have available for ride to hospital *if* your insurance dont cover for ambulance... BUT still-- for emergency call 911..

Try not too worry!... think positive and be happy-- then you will be ALL FINE! :)
So Many Issues different type of "premature" likely eg:... Follow their genes, unexpect their health reasons can be affect, or twins or triplets depend on pregnancy terms.. lotsa of information.. blah blah blah.. If you want to reasearching thru website issues prematures and other subject. you would be benefits learn about these information. :)

If happends to you... broke water.. plenty time to go hosptial wait til you feel contraction likely 5 minutes each aparts time... again 5 minutes and getting fewer minutes.. Right away, you go hospital.. Unless you have to prepared your clothes and blah blah.
Don't take Bath... while you're on full term preggy.. can be not feel thing water broke.. But I ingore doctor tells me.. I kept stubborn and loved sitting in bath tub but never happends to me.. Mostly broke water at hospital.. ((chuckles)) Hey, please don't take my word about issues BATH! ok.. Just stick stay shower! :)

If not broke water... Kept contraction contuines drive you crazy more.. Be Try remember don't panic.. check your watch if sees 5 mins again then again.. Go HOSP..
If Bleeding, You have to go hosptial right away.

My preggy terms of 3 kids.. aren't same of terms..
1st child boy... 8 mos and 2 wks preggy terms.
2nd child girl....8 mos and 3 1/2 wks preggy terms. (I made decision request IV for early birth which I have good reason) "Pretty LONGEST STORY"
3rd child boy... 2 days before baby due as full preggy term.
Contraction hours...
1st child.. 8 hours
2nd child.. 4 hours
3rd child.. 10 hours.. (mumbling huge baby) ha ha..
Weight babies
1st child 5lbs and 15 oz
2nd child 8lbs and 2 oz
3rd child 8lbs and 15oz "almost 9lbs" nurse told me.. Oh boyee...
1st child Natural birthing
2nd child Emprial (Doctor forced me reason he cannot stand me too much swearing) Ha Ha..
3rd child Emprial (I cannot stand helllllllllllllllllllllll pain drove me nuts.. request emprial all I want shudd'up pain) LOL
Broke water at hosptial...
1st child.. Dr pinned water to make broke water
2nd child.. itself broke water at hospital bed..
3rd child... itself broke water at hopsital bed...
1st child.. Delivery Room
2nd child.. Delivery Room
3rd child.. Birthing Room as stay same room.. I request..

Everything I deserved experince through it lot.. :)
False Labor contractions usually last less than 45 seconds.....These contractions are usually irregular, coming every five to fifteen minutes apart....If you lay on your side and drink alot of water, they will go away....

True Labor contractions do not go away, no matter what you do.....They become more frequent and last longer approximately one minute....True labor contractions are consistently less than five minutes apart.....As labor advances, contractions become more frequent. Ususally by mid labor they are two to three minutes apart ...You may have mucous that is blood tinged which is a sign that your cervix is changing.....True labor contractions will take all your attention.....You will find it difficult to talk easily through a contraction....You may feel like holding your breath...Your abdomen will feel very tight during a contraction, almost like the top of a table....

If your water breaks, you have enough time to get to the hospital !
keep timing your contractions ....U will know the difference!

For Premature Labor.....It can be a little scary but there are signs you can look for ....

*Persistent or predictable contractions
*abdominal cramps with pelvic pressure or backache
*Increased or change in vaginal discharge
*Vaginal spotting or bleeding....

Preterm Labor is prior to 37 completed weeks of's depends if you have more than two babies or if something is wrong with the unborn child....

I hope this helps...

Congratulate on your pregnancy!!....Wish you and your family the best...*Hugs* :)
Did you know that most ambulance rides cost about $1,000 per ride - that's what I read once.
AquaMaiden said:
Did you know that most ambulance rides cost about $1,000 per ride - that's what I read once.
WTF!? Seriously!? Damn! What a rip-off!

I find that hard to believe cuz I've had friends ride in the ambulance and they didn't get any "$1,000" on their bill.
most ambulance rides are paid by the county taxes (at least this i knew from back east in my native county) in other words -- free for the person who needs to be taken to hospital -- i dont know abt other locations
The wife had only a C-section scheduled last September when me daughter was born. She was supposed to be due on September 17th but somehow the dr felt the wife was ready to go c-section on Sept. 2nd. No water break, no labor, ect.

I just drove her to the hospital 20 miles from my home (and I was a bit hung-over cuz I had attended Boomsday at the riverfront in downtown Knoxville and got drunk there while watching fireworks the night before my daughter was born) and just saw her go in for c-section.
One reason twins can come early and often do is the height of the mother. If the mom is short there will be no room for multipul babies to grow. We were told are twins would come early because their mom is only 5ft tall. Because of other complication they came way early at 29 weeks. Briana was 3lb 4oz and Brittany was 2lb 4oz.
Thanks! :ily: It's my first pregnancy and I am enjoying it but the only thing I am scared of..going into labor because I can't stand pain and the epi thing.. I HATE needles!! :ugh: I hope I would have the courage to torture the pain and get through it just to see my beautiful baby for the first time. :fingersx:
WildKaTReSS said:
Thanks! :ily: It's my first pregnancy and I am enjoying it but the only thing I am scared of..going into labor because I can't stand pain and the epi thing.. I HATE needles!! :ugh: I hope I would have the courage to torture the pain and get through it just to see my beautiful baby for the first time. :fingersx:
You'll be fine.. when the baby's born you'll forget all about the pain.. :)
VamPyroX said:
WTF!? Seriously!? Damn! What a rip-off!

I find that hard to believe cuz I've had friends ride in the ambulance and they didn't get any "$1,000" on their bill.

Like FlyFree said.. some county pay taxes... or charged you..
Ambulance charged me when i was rush to hospital when i had heart problem last year... I got the bill.. *thud*.. includes gas-mileages, their stuff, blahhhies.. total 4,780.25.. :eek2: (traveled total 18 miles)..

Thank goodness that my medical insurance covered it.. whew! but more.. in ER.. (dr, ekg, xray, etc etc even plastic mask for oxygen and oxygen use-- you name it all).. heh.. i cant total it up specify amount.. cuz it keeps coming in many different bills.. ugh.. so far.. total 2,580 (about).. but ER and stuff have alot stuff.. than ambulance... smh!
WildKaTReSS said:
Thanks! :ily: It's my first pregnancy and I am enjoying it but the only thing I am scared of..going into labor because I can't stand pain and the epi thing.. I HATE needles!! :ugh: I hope I would have the courage to torture the pain and get through it just to see my beautiful baby for the first time. :fingersx:

AWW~! You will be forgetting whole thing and you will be focusing on your concrations and breathing.. time will go fast... hehe.. pray for ya.. :)
MsGiglz said:
Like FlyFree said.. some county pay taxes... or charged you..
Ambulance charged me when i was rush to hospital when i had heart problem last year... I got the bill.. *thud*.. includes gas-mileages, their stuff, blahhhies.. total 4,780.25.. :eek2: (traveled total 18 miles)..

Thank goodness that my medical insurance covered it.. whew! but more.. in ER.. (dr, ekg, xray, etc etc even plastic mask for oxygen and oxygen use-- you name it all).. heh.. i cant total it up specify amount.. cuz it keeps coming in many different bills.. ugh.. so far.. total 2,580 (about).. but ER and stuff have alot stuff.. than ambulance... smh!
$5,000 for using the ambulance!? WTF!? That is ridiculous! Jeez! That's a lot worse than a taxi driving you 5 miles for $15! If the ambulance wanted to charge you $200 or $300, fine... but $1,000 to $5,000? Gawd!