For Ladies...


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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If you was pregnant or are pregnant now.. when did you first feel the baby move? Tomorrow I will be 20 weeks pregnant.. anyways.. I first feel the baby move on Christmas day and I didn't expect it at all. :shock: It hurt a little bit.. it felt like it was kicking my bladder and I had to relax for a bit then went to the bathroom. It don't hurt anymore and I love having the feeling of the baby moving inside of me. It's so amazing! Did it hurt a little bit for some of you ladies?
Mostly after 3 mos started little bit moving funny likely balloon inside of my belly.
Baby starting kicking 3 1/2 mos and feels movement lotsa.. My belly was really BIG.. They were thought that my preggy is 6 mos.. I told them, heck no.. it's 3mos. They said "can't be" but your belly already big.. Probably may be twins? I said.. who knows.. Came and check ultra sound says 1 baby. My hubby's background history strongly genes TWINS.. *whew* I'm not get twins of my kids. I believe may be My children will have twins babies their future. I gonna be new grammy future.. ehheeh Too early to talk.. ha ha.

Espically 8 mos and 9 mos are worst my nightmare.. because kept kicking me and backforth heavy bathroom for no reason.. Just one drop leak.. geez give me a break.. am I best friend restroom every 5 minutes ?? Glady it's over nightmare for me... I'd rather enuff babies.. and prefer 3 kids good enuff. :)
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Haha bullymom..I don't have twins either whew! In Jeremy's family, they do have twins in fact Jeremy have 2 frantical brothers named James and his cousin Desiree who is married and my age.. she just had a baby in Feb 2003.. now she is pregnant again and having frantical twins (saw the ultrasound pic)..they are due a few weeks after my baby is born. Do you think I could have twins in the future? I hope may be too stressful but if I do..I d still love them! :)
<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ name is Desiree Did u know that wild??? hehehe

Well i may be a butch here but yah i dlike the chance to experince pregency but ofc i will end up having a C section due to small frame of my body and the pevlis is a shirinking little hips of mine!
WildKaTReSS said:
Haha bullymom..I don't have twins either whew! In Jeremy's family, they do have twins in fact Jeremy have 2 frantical brothers named James and his cousin Desiree who is married and my age.. she just had a baby in Feb 2003.. now she is pregnant again and having frantical twins (saw the ultrasound pic)..they are due a few weeks after my baby is born. Do you think I could have twins in the future? I hope may be too stressful but if I do..I d still love them! :)

Can be gentic tricky.. depends on yours genes..
One of my friend who got 1st child later 2nd preggy whoa.. twins.. then that is enough for her have 3 kids. Due depends genes.
((chuckles)) I was nerves about preggy if I get twins because of my hubby's background strongest twins.. His Dad is twins and his 2nd cousin are twins too plus Dad's Grandpa's kid are twins too plus two aunts are twins too. I would be emotions: "Have not experience likely twins lifestyle" but they told if you got twins and will be very happy help us through this.. Glady they did but never happends.. My hubby's Dad say.. may be next your kids' future gonna be have twins who knows.. but don't know which one my daughter or little son's future. (who knows)
javapride said:
<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ name is Desiree Did u know that wild??? hehehe

Well i may be a butch here but yah i dlike the chance to experince pregency but ofc i will end up having a C section due to small frame of my body and the pevlis is a shirinking little hips of mine!

Well.. go to the gynologist and see what's going on..if u can get pregnant..ask for a few options like sperm donor if you wish.. but if you cannot get pregnant..ask someone who u really trust to be pregnant for you though sperm donor or a male u know really well.. then the woman gives the baby to you. It's up to you though. You can always adopt kids though. :mrgreen:
I have 2 boys.. I felt movements and kicks from my first son (now 3 yrs old) around 4th-5th month of pregnancy.. i loved feeling the movements and kicking.. with 2nd son (10 mos) around 3rd month of pregnancy term.. oh boy.. he moved a lot all the time.. kept me awake in middle of night.. i loved feeling movements but sometimes i want to sleep and rest lol it can get annoying at times. Especially when i was preg with both they would hiccup in the middle of the night it doesnt bother me while im sleeping, if it started WHILE im asleep.. but if i woke up to go to the rest room and i'd feel it.. then try to go back to sleep.. ic an't sleep..argh :D I do miss being preg..but dont want 3rd one right now.. my 2 boys is already a handful now lol
I felt my first kick at 5 months pregnant.. and alot of movement during the 6 -7 months pregnant i felt like one side was heavier than the other side cuz the baby would move on side and stay there for a while and then move again it felt soo werid...

off topic: excuse me everyone.. :lol: psst.Teekie, Ur boys are soo beauitful! (smile)
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Bullym0m said:
Can be gentic tricky.. depends on yours genes..
One of my friend who got 1st child later 2nd preggy whoa.. twins.. then that is enough for her have 3 kids. Due depends genes.
((chuckles)) I was nerves about preggy if I get twins because of my hubby's background strongest twins.. His Dad is twins and his 2nd cousin are twins too plus Dad's Grandpa's kid are twins too plus two aunts are twins too. I would be emotions: "Have not experience likely twins lifestyle" but they told if you got twins and will be very happy help us through this.. Glady they did but never happends.. My hubby's Dad say.. may be next your kids' future gonna be have twins who knows.. but don't know which one my daughter or little son's future. (who knows)

:werd: "Twins" genes can be more likely randsom. 258 about ur friend's situtation. Remind me of my grandma. Her originally plan was 2 children. End up, she got three kids (1st preggy with my aunt and 2nd preggy with my mother and uncle). Thanks to "twins" genes. But but my grandma warned me that I still have "twins" genes. Holy smoke!
When i was 20 years (near 11 years ago), went out with a guy i dated with. He questioned me about my family history. I mentioned to him about my "twins" genes but not 100% guarantee to have twin babies right away. U know what? He freaked out and become uncomforted. Told me that he doesnt want to have twin babies in his future. I said "Go ahead and dump on me." Cannot believe that idiot doesn't want to have twin babies.
There is another thread about Pregnancies/Deliveries. For some members who join here in AD recently (not too long time ago). So, they won't miss anything.


Have a fun!
Cheri said:
I felt my first kick at 5 months pregnant.. and alot of movement during the 6 -7 months pregnant i felt like one side was heavier than the other side cuz the baby would move on side and stay there for a while and then move again it felt soo werid...

off topic: excuse me everyone.. :lol: psst.Teekie, Ur boys are soo beauitful! (smile)
Thanks, Cheri ;)