For Cloggy and Rick48

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Active Member
Nov 20, 2004
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If you do not like the point of view of deaf people, why are you on this board? Maybe, you SHOULD LEAVE this board. You should remember that you are guests on this board.

If your daughters are happy with their implants, I am happy for them. BUT you do not have a right to disrespect the deaf members' opinions IF they do not agree with YOUR decision and/or opinions.

In words of Marian Fisher on October 2, 2006: "Shoot Me First"

:ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty:
They are afraid of us, afraid their kids will ended up alike us.They believe we do not know how to live a normal life in hearing society. They are hoping their kids do well better than rest of deaf population. I have seen that often in too many parents but when their kids once all grown up and are still no different from rest of us. They will be disappoint at the end.
Really, I dont want them to leave cuz I am starting to enjoy bickering with them. :giggle:
This thread need get locked, it's against forum rule to create new post against other members. :locked:
True they do not respect us in some way. They made a choice not to listen to us because they believe in what they are doing. In doing that they try to teach us believing we do not know sh*t about many things. Somethime I feel they are trying to be suprieor over us because we are deaf. And truth I do not want them to leave. We all can learn from them too and hope they learn from us too.
Honestly, we have to accept their POV no matter either we like or not. I think it´s good to have them around here. I enjoyed myself to read their debate posts as long as there´re no bash/insult.

I think we need cons/pros debate sometimes until we agree or not. Its about good education for us. It´s really up to us either we want to post or not...
Honestly, we have to accept their POV no matter either we like or not. I think it´s good to have them around here. I enjoyed myself to read their debate posts as long as there´re no bash/insult.

I think we need cons/pros debate sometimes until we agree or not. Its about good education for us. It´s really up to us either we want to post or not...

Yea...they have as much right to be here and they dont have to like our POVs just like we dont have to like their POVs.

Just getting tired of getting my points or words taken out of content or made into a big fuss. :ugh3:
True they do not respect us in some way. They made a choice not to listen to us because they believe in what they are doing. In doing that they try to teach us believing we do not know sh*t about many things. Somethime I feel they are trying to be suprieor over us because we are deaf. And truth I do not want them to leave. We all can learn from them too and hope they learn from us too.

:werd: :bowdown:
Yea...they have as much right to be here and they dont have to like our POVs just like we dont have to like their POVs.

Just getting tired of getting my points or words taken out of content or made into a big fuss. :ugh3:

Yes I know what you mean. I support you and Jillios because I agree with your and her posts a lot.

Yes, I have seen and was like *sigh*. Yes I has to agree with Jazzy´s POV. That´s why I don´t post in CI threads much, I only make some posts if necassary.

Oh Well... *sigh*
Yes I know what you mean. I have seen and was like *sigh*. Yes I has to agree with Jazzy´s POV. That´s why I don´t post in CI threads much, I only make some posts if necassary.

Oh Well... *sigh*

I am considering doing the same thing too. Let a new AD member come in and take my place. :giggle:
If you do not like the point of view of deaf people, why are you on this board? Maybe, you SHOULD LEAVE this board. You should remember that you are guests on this board.

If your daughters are happy with their implants, I am happy for them. BUT you do not have a right to disrespect the deaf members' opinions IF they do not agree with YOUR decision and/or opinions.

In words of Marian Fisher on October 2, 2006: "Shoot Me First"

:ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty:

I agree with you ....:kiss: :h5: ..Cloggy had threatening me in pm... i forwarded to Alex.... now in Deafnotes... threads about CI is closed because ot these two troublemakers...
This thread need get locked, it's against forum rule to create new post against other members. :locked:

Yes you are right..but i dont blame that person who created this thread.... Cloggy had pm'ed me threatening... I forwarded to Alex.... Cloggy and Rick48 should respect our opinions.. not to control us...
Yes you are right..but i dont blame that person who created this thread.... Cloggy had pm'ed me threatening... I forwarded to Alex.... Cloggy and Rick48 should respect our opinions.. not to control us...

I couldn't have said it better! It is all about respecting and accepting each other's differences not putting people down. That's when things get ugly.

Agree with u that I don't blame the OP for starting this thread but again, starting threads about other people's wrongdoings is probably not a good idea.
I couldn't have said it better! It is all about respecting and accepting each other's differences not putting people down. That's when things get ugly.

Agree with u that I don't blame the OP for starting this thread but again, starting threads about other people's wrongdoings is probably not a good idea.

Thank you very much.... Cloggy had been harassed me for long time in here and at Deafnotes.....he called me SexyPIg... i called him Cloggyhead... I told him i dont have a time to argue with him while i have health issues and works at domestic violences.. i also stated to him wordsl he threw at me does not hurt me at all... only stones will...
Thank you very much.... Cloggy had been harassed me for long time in here and at Deafnotes.....he called me SexyPIg... i called him Cloggyhead... I told him i dont have a time to argue with him while i have health issues and works at domestic violences.. i also stated to him wordsl he threw at me does not hurt me at all... only stones will...

Remind me about last year, I was created bad thread about Cloggy and told him to leave me alone and not want buy his stupid story then I got warned from mod and decided to cut my time for post in CI forum, it getting more rare to post here, most aren't topic about CI or HA. I had long history to made attack with him.

Now, I'm hardly to post anything in CI/HA section.
Thank you very much.... Cloggy had been harassed me for long time in here and at Deafnotes.....he called me SexyPIg... i called him Cloggyhead... I told him i dont have a time to argue with him while i have health issues and works at domestic violences.. i also stated to him wordsl he threw at me does not hurt me at all... only stones will...

Sorry to hear that. Really, it is between the both of u and I hope u both get it worked out.

Just because I disagree with them doesn't mean I hate them nor will call them names. I don't know them..just their POVs.
If you do not like the point of view of deaf people, why are you on this board? Maybe, you SHOULD LEAVE this board. You should remember that you are guests on this board.

If your daughters are happy with their implants, I am happy for them. BUT you do not have a right to disrespect the deaf members' opinions IF they do not agree with YOUR decision and/or opinions.

In words of Marian Fisher on October 2, 2006: "Shoot Me First"

:ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty:


They are members and are entitled to the same privileges as we are. Period.
At first I came here and other places, because I need information about deafness, Deaf culture, and after the Anti-CI atmosphere and mis-information on DeafNotes, this site was a relief.

But why stay here?
Because there is so much mis-information getting around in here, that I would hate to see people looking for information getting wrong information.
In addition, there are deaf people here that also read this misinformation and start believing it.. That's a pity as well...
Also, with all the controversity, it is good to show a child that got CI early in life and is doing great, so I have been showing my daughter in here...
What's wrong with having the point of view of a parent in AllDeaf..

I enjoy the discussions with many members. The ones I agree with and disagree with, all these discussions are valuable. Because, stating one's point of view make that one thinks about it.

But still, sometimes it does get grimm...
One of the lowest I have seen is SxyPorkie that wrote a post in DeafNotes that she was disappointed that I refused to teach sign language to my daughter. And this was her first post there.
She knows I have taught and used sign from the start (It's stated frequently here in AllDeaf, and she's been here plenty..), so it was a blunt lie.

(One of the best posts was when SxyPorkie signed her post with "Sweetmind"... that was great.... The members that were there know what I am talking about...)

Anyway... before this thread gets locked...
I have plenty to learn, and there are plenty deaf people here on AllDeaf that I love talking to...

We have different opinions, and I think that's great.
As long as those opinions are based on good information - I'm happy to agree to disagree...

And for SexyPiggy....
Stop moaning and complaining... and especially, stop lying and backstabbing...
You chose your name yourself..... and for the rest, I'm sure it's confusing not having Sweetmind whispering in your ear what you should say...
Grow up!
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